I have a question about a 1600 JD. Haybine.
A Dealer has a 1600 JD. Haybine he would like to move. It has the twin knife configuration with a swing hitch. There is a wear in the cyl. pin area. The bar looks straight, under belly pans look ok, and rollers still have their rubber attached. There is welding done (or tried to) on the sheilds for the hinges to work. Looks like it has a few bumps . Saleman stated he would rather move it to a customer than peddle it at the consignment auction. He stated NOBODY wants the cycles ,everyone wants the disc bines. Anything I should look for would be appriciated hearing about. Any ideas?
I have only 30 acres of grass hay and when using the neighbor's, it seems everyone needs it at the same time.
Thanks for your input.