
Ok, this is my last rant against spandex, please feel free to argue with me =) . . .

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Hot girls in spandex draws a lot of fans to women's volleyball. This is a fact. It's more obvious in beach vb, but it's the same indoors.

I think that because women's volleyball relies so heavily on s*x appeal is not getting the respect it deserves as a valid sport.

Have you heard jokes about the WNBA? People don't watch it very much, and the fan base is not great. This is kind of sad because they are terrific athletes.

I feel like women's volleyball has tried to sidestep those problems by making the players wear spandex.

To you girls who are fine with how your sport is often marketed with your good-looking bodies...

I have this to say-

You girls are athletes.

Don't you want people to take you and your sport more seriously?




  1. There are a number of reasons why girls whear spandex indoors.

    Fisrt of all have u ever tried sliding on a gym floor with any type of loose fitting shorts, if you have you will understand that about 50% of the time your shorts do not slide with your body. The stay in the same spot on the floor and not where they need to be on your body.

    Secondly, you are not a girl so you should porbably not be judging us, we (I) wear them because they are a lot more comftorable than any loose fitting shorts. Loose shorts will rid up, give u wedgies, and just move around on your body. Spandex do not do this.

    And lastly, have you ever seen regular athletic shorts with built in pads?? NO. they have made these types of spandex shorts. Once again you are not a girl and do not understand that when we dive a lot of times our hips hit the ground and it hurts a lot. It is just like hitting your elbow on the ground, pure bone!! Dont think you have ever felt that before!

    Another thing, there are a lot of other sports with spandex in it, The NFL for example, they wear spandex, right. Bikers, Track athletes, WRESTLING, so why are you critizing us when almost every other sport out their involves wearing spandex too!!

    There are a lot of people who do not realize how hard it is to play volleyball and how much skill and technique is involved. However all the volleyball girls and guys I love and respect your dedication to the wonderful sport we Play and Love.

    I do on the other hand understand where you are comming from, with beach volleyball, those althetes, however talented they may be could wear just a little bit more, they dont really have to wear thongs in public, that is kind of gross.

  2. its more than just that.  sure its degrading at times but you have to think of how much money was put into the events themselves.  if no one comes to the games then the players have to pay for the lose.  If your team isn't bringing in enough people to the games the team itself might get canceled and where would those athletes be.  so by making it all about the players you cant really know the whole truth about the sport

  3. our coaches wont let us wear spandex shorts.but we can wear them underneath which is what i do so when we stretch you cant see up my shorts.& i wear them to practice sometimes.

    & guys are just idiots some of the football players came to one of our games one time and actually cheered for the other team b/c they were wearing spandex.which is pretty shallow.

    & surferdude has probably never played game of real volleyball where rules are actually inforced b/c volleyball does take skill, excellent timing,and awesome reflexes.not a bunch of idiots slapping a ball over a net.& people that make comments like that really make me mad but i must remind myself that they're just ignorant.

  4. Although I do see your point with the spandex and the marketing of women's bodies. I play volleyball in high school are there are plenty of guys everyday after practice taking pictures of our buts with cellphones. But I know most girls on my team roll up their spandex so high that you can totally see their butts. Me on the other had I'm always trying to pull mine down and I even get comments from my teammates asking me why I am so modest. It's a warped mentality. But I am really great full for spandex because in my earlier volleyball days, I was diving for a ball and my soffee's got stuck on the gym floor somehow and my shorts were around my ankles when I got up. It was so embarrassing. From then on my coach made everyone wear spandex. So yes in theory spandex is really suppose to be better than athletic shorts, but girls just roll them up so high, it pathetic and I agree it does take away from the talent of the athlete.

  5. We wear spandex cuz its sooo much easier to move around in rather something like long shorts. We are taken seriously to a certain extent, so what if people come for the spandex. they may come for the spandex but they for the rallies,kills,diggs..etc. We dont wear spandex for guys to look at we wear it for comfort. So does it really matter what random guys or girls think about us when we are wearing spandex or should we care about those that really matter people that actually support us.

  6. First of all I think that surfer boy doesn’t play volleyball for a team maybe just messing around with his friends and probably doesn’t know the proper way to hit or bump that’s why he is saying that it takes little skill so in reality he has never played with any of the rules so he is ignorant in that sense…. And I think either way men are going to go to the games for those reasons but others actually know the sport and want to watch for the skills and for the competitive excitement….. and I don’t think that the only reason for wearing spandex is for the s*x appeal… the fact that spandex is secure to your body and loose clothing can get in the way of performance

  7. i like the beach vollieball better but watev.... i play vollie ball though it takes almost no skill to play

    and im DO play with the rules im just a natural athlete!!!!


  8. they come for our good looks, they stay for our intense rallies and awesome kills. why does the world have to be so sheltered anyway? what can a showing a little skin do? you seem like the only one obsessed with this. the girls like spandex the guys like spandex everyone is happy. and what about bikers they wear spandex, like that armstrong guy and my uncle, spandex wearers! give it up no ones asking you to wear spandex. only fattys don't like it. Whats life if you don't pull your shorts down and slide on the ice?

    edit- hes an idiot who doesnt know what hes talkin about. and what would i care about one kid in the stand checking me out? i take it as a compliment actually.

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