
Ok, this is really weird and creepy but...?

by  |  earlier

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I keep on having dreams i am getting raped, but theyre not scary and I dont fight back, what is this about?




  1. ..............uhhhh i guess you seek sexual pleasure

  2. im not sure...maybe u want to uh nvm

  3. Rape

    To dream that you have been raped, suggests a sadistic expression of sexual desire. You may be expressing an unconscious desire to be violated, conquered, or forced into forbidden territory. It also indicates vengeful feelings toward the opposite s*x. Alternatively, it suggests that you are feeling violated in some way. Something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. Dreams of rape are also common for those who were actually raped in their waking life.

    To see a rape being committed in your dream, denotes sexual dysfunction or uncertainty.

  4. The dreams suggest some type of conflict likely the result of the sexual frustrations in your life.  You don't give much information but I would guess your sexual relationships are not very healthy at this time.   While you enjoy the s*x I the dreams suggests you are also having some guilt type feelings about the action.  You also do not mention your age and this could also be a factor.

    I would need more information in order to say more.  Let me know if this is helpful and you could email if you want to give me more information.

  5. you cannot rape the willing, so maybe you just need to get that itch scratched and the dreams will go away.

  6. um...

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