
Ok, well i am so nervous about my middle school orientation and i could rlly use some advice??

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My middle school orientation is this tuesday and i am so nervous!!! I don't know what to wear or what will happen. I recently got ditched by my "best friend" and i have other friends but not that many who are super close. I'm worried that i won't have anyone to talk 2 or anything. Anyone who knows the story?? TThanks to all answers!! ;)




  1. i know what ur going though. I'm 2 in middle school and shy and nervous u should anything that u like or don't u can wear the popular people are wearing. just be yourself  look in the mirror and say to ur self and tell ur Friends they may help.

    hope it helps duffy.

  2. Even if you are not that super close I would call your other friends and see if you could either meet them there or maybe you could talk to your mom and see if she could help you to arrange going with someone too if she is involved and knows the girls moms. Personally, I am a mom of a boy who is going to orientation for middle school next week and I called a couple moms of my son's friends and we are going to meet there. Don't be surprised but moms remember what it's like and I don't want my son (and my son's friend's moms)don't want their sons to be alone. Best to face new challenges holding hands with your friends. Hope this helps. Talk to your mom - be honest. That's what moms are for. You'd be surprised but we've been there, and we love our kids and want you guys to be happy and if we can help then that's what we're here for. That's why we became parents. Good Luck!

  3. Don't be nervous. Just be yourself, and hang out with your other friends a lot. You'll become close to them.  

  4. be confident. apparently that friend is not as close as you once thought, so can, and will find other friends throughout your life. if you spend too much time worrying about very small instances like the one at hand, you will not truly "live life". ask yourself this: how much of a fraction of a percentage of my entire life is this orientation? it puts things in perspective. ask yourself this question whenever you start to worry, and you may find yourself some solutions to situations. be confident. time spent on worrying is time lost on finding solutions in life.

  5. at orientation you mostley just stay with your parents, its no big deal, and durring the first day of school sit with new ppl and make friends  

  6. My best friend stabbed me in the back and i was really upset. But i didn't let her ruin it for me you just have to branch out and prove to people ur not dependant on ur friends that is how you make best friends. So don't worry about her and just be urself and make new best friends get closer with the ones you have and don't be so worried about orientation it will all work out for the best and just remember everything happens for a reason and you take the good with the bad and you make the best of it

  7. everyone deals with that problem. "oh, i won't have anyone to sit with" "oh i will be alone the wholeee time" "oh....." but once you are there, you see every one you haven't seen in a long time, and meet new people, so you get closer to others and make friends. when i was just going into middle school, i sooo nervous! everyone kept telling me the same exact thing that i'm telling you now, and i didn't believe them, since i was SO nervous and figured "oh, everyone is just saying that to make me feel better". but it's true! just relax and be yourself. everything is going to go fine. and maybe your best friend will apologize and you'll be cool with each other again. well, good luck, and have a great middle school experience!! :D

  8. Just dress as you normally would. Everyone changes from elemantary to middle school. You will go thru the same changes from middle to high school. Try to make new friends. There is probably a bunch of elementary schools that merge into your middle school. Your growing up so time to get to know new people. Good luck

  9. just be  yourself, and the friends will come. =] if people don't like you for you, they aren't suppose to be your friend. be open to new things, but stick to your morals. because that the important thing in life.


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