
Ok, what should i do. i've just made a new friend, she seems to be into me. she's in nigeria at the moment

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yeah, i know what your thinking?

her mom is in america ill with breast cancer and she's going home in a fortnight, all her tickets are booked and she has a visa. i asked if she would like to come to england in two weeks and she said that she would love too.

firstly, her flight to the us is allready booked, she's said she can make alterations, how much would a flight to england from nigeria cost her. who should pay the bill, she's said she would foot half the bill, but if i am inviting her, i should be prepared to share the ticket with her. what should i do. this is the same taking a bus ride with someone and paying half the faire. she gave me the impression that she would pay 100% of the fee's.

am i being fair if i am not showing commitment to another person. i don't want to come across as being stingy and she's allready said i am that.




  1. break all contact now...before you know will be her, and all her family coming to england and wanting to stay here!

  2. I would be questioning her priorities,Mum really ill ,but shes coming to see you ,who she has never met first ,sounds suspect!

  3. I see alarm bells ringing all around this story.  Are your brains in your pants, I fear so.

  4. i think u should pay half of her ticket if she is coming..just because her mom is ill n im  sure they are little bit difficult with money.

  5. Her mum is very ill, yet she is coming to see you????

    She will pay half the bill-- you will send the other half and never see her or the money again!

    No its not the same as paying half of someones bus fare! Bus fares only involve a couple of quid!

    Tell her you give her half the fare if she actually turns up and you wont see her for dust!

    This is an old con, someone got done on this in the papers today, sending off money to a woman in Russia.

    To cap it all SHE HAS SAID YOU ARE STINGY. This sounds like an attempt to get you feel guilty in order to extract money from you.

    She sounds about as genuine as an 11 pound note!

  6. So, the girl is in Nigeria, the Mum is in America, the girl is going to see her ill Mum for a fortnight but will come to England to see you (a new friend) if you pay for the ticket (leaving her ill mother).  You are not stingy you are a mug!!

  7. dont do anything all people do is be nice to you just to get something and then they throw it back in your face

  8. Don't send her a dime. There was a report on Dateline last week about people that do this all the time. They befriend people from other countrys and get them to send them money (Either for an operation they need or plane tickets to come see then, ect.) and people never hear from them again. They get away free and un-prosecuted because they hide in Nigeria and other African countries. DON'T DO IT! YOU WONT SEE HER OR THAT MONEY AGAIN!!!

  9. brian t has said it all!  You're a mug if you fall for that old trick.

    How did you meet your new friend if she's in Nigeria & you're in England?  On the internet, no doubt, and we all know how safe & trustworthy that is!  Don't fall for it, chum!

  10. I think you should go half and half at least. Seeing her mother's ill, it's possible they might have money problems.

    Good luck.

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