
Ok, whats going on? We can not deny its the end times. in the last 3 weeks we have had earthquakes, volcanos..

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..cyclones, tornados.. We are doomed.,quake041808.article




  1. Maybe it is maybe it isn't. I tend to think it is not the end of times. Natural disasters have happened since the dawn of time. The only difference between the past and now is technology. In addition, the world is more populated now than in years past. All this means that disasters did occur but with a lack of people to witness it and those that did witness it occurring did not have the means to let the rest of the world know what went down. Thanks to the media we can learn of global events as they are happening. Just my take on the question.

  2. It does seem that these types of storms are becoming more frequent and in more places as time goes on...

    but remember these are only the beginning of the sorrows... There are many other signs... a lot of amazing things in prophecy to learn... :)

  3. People have thought it was the end of times, since the beginning of time.

  4. It definitley is end times. If you read the book of Revalations, alot is happening as we speak that is mentioned there. Lots of new technology...dogs at pet stores have micro chips in them now, I mean come on!!! It's comin!!!

  5. well theres always something really bad going on in the world... no surprise

  6. not really, these occurances all happened thousands of years ago too. I'm no expert but i have read some vague report on how at certain points in a millenia the earth will go through a 3-15 year period of freak weather. I'm unsure on the science of it, maybe someone with more knowledge can expand....

  7. You might want to pay better attention.  There are always earthquakes and volcanos somewhere on the planet.  There is always a major weather system somewhere on the planet.

  8. yeah let's just accept reality, it just part of global warming and what not! one day we'll all die..... yeah we will.

  9. ANOTHER end of times?   Man!  This is maybe the 40th time I've heard the bible gang tell me it's all over in the last 25 years.  

       I'm making my own doomsday prediction...

    The world as we know it will end when the Chicago Cubs win the World Series.  Prepare for thy doom.

       About as accurate as any fairy tales you guys have come up with.

       Go to school.  Take some science classes.

  10. true, extreme weather on Earth is nothing new, however, i wouldn't be surprised if it were all related somehow to global warming, now here's some humor to distract us all from the impending doom:

  11. yet all of these events combined do not add up to the amount of people killed in any war, in the Holocaust, in the crusades, etc. These are not the end times.....if you feel they are, seek help and get some duct tape and plastic wrap and start assembling your shelter.

  12. My answer is "A. Mercer's" Answer

  13. Dig this:

    A second American aircraft carrier has steamed into the Persian Gulf as the Pentagon ordered military commanders to develop new options for attacking Iran. The planning is being driven by what one officer called the "increasingly hostile role" Iran is playing in Iraq.

  14. Answers to all your questions with sources included.

  15. i live in wyoming and if that bad boy volcano goes off in yellowstone goodbye to everyone

  16. t isn't the end, this is just one of those times. Besides, news pretty much only report bad suff, not all the good in the world.

  17. wutz ah covano and eurthqewack??? c theydont existz so nuthin 2 wory bout

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