
Ok, you've germinated your seeds, so when do you put them in direct sunlight?

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Ok, you've germinated your seeds, so when do you put them in direct sunlight?




  1. Anytime. And if you aren't using grow lights the sooner the better.  Just don't leave them there for very long at a time the first few days.  In nature most all plants see direct sunlight the moment they break the soil surface or even before.  When we germinate them indoors and they haven't seen the sun they need to "hardened" a bit at a time, much the same as if you were to start working on a suntan.  An hour in the early morning sun at first, working up to a full day in a week or so usually will do it.  Keep a close eye on them and move them into shade if they start to wilt even a bit.  You will develop a feel for what they like.

  2. I would start very slow, about 30 minutes each day for the first 3 days and then go to about to about hour next couple days and keep increasing some each day.  Getting to much sun the first week they will wilt and die.

    good Luck

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