
Ok,Let's say i have the gift or precognition from God where can this lead me in the near future?

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No, I want to know where can it take me as for spirtual wise...I'm really trying to understand this gift through meditation and prayer...




  1. If you are determined to look at it from a mystical approach, you should always be careful for demonic 'gifts'. The Bible states that everybody must keep themselves away from witches and the Church burnt to the stakes a lot of people who had precognitive abilities.

    Every person who has some sort of business based on their 'channeling' 'gift' claim to have a spirit (they all say it's a high spirit of light) who tells them stuff - the things about to happen - but those spirits are often low-level spirits who know only as much as they need to earn your trust and then mess with you.

    So I'd say examine the source of your gift above all things - it is said that only God knows what it will be; people don't.

  2. You're the one with precognition, how should we know?

  3. To where ever and what ever you want.  By knowing in advance ever thing that is going to happen all you have to do is put yourself in the right spot to benefit.  The problem arises that if you act on foreknowledge you may change the future, so act on that, too.  And so on.

    A minute's thought will show you why precognition doesn't work, is impossible.  

    I do not need precognition to see you will not believe this.

  4. Everyone has this gift if they only expand their awareness. It is part of our nature to have intuition, and to communicate in other ways besides speaking. And to know things that we can't explain through physical means. I think if you have a gift of precognition, it really is up to you what you do with it. You can do readings, depending on how this ability manifests. Or you can just use it to gain wisdom and insight into your life, and what God is directing you to do.

  5. Ask God.  If it's a gift from Him, He will tell you how He wants you to use it.

  6. Possibly to riches, if you can predict the winner of horse races or athletic contests, or the winning lottery numbers; possibly to fear or even terror if you can predict your own time and cause of death or that of someone dear to you; possibly to loneliness if you feel compelled to share your predictions with people who are frightened by them and begin to shun you; and so on.  Some good, some bad, lots of variations on the theme.

    It's conceivable that you could achieve true peace and contentment if you can predict those same things and a feeling of quiet happiness for your loved ones and friends.

  7. If you have to ask, you ain't got it.

  8. It can lead you into an increasingly delusional state.Blurring the line between reality and imagination.

  9. well if you let it lead you you will see. it could be life in the monestary or it could be helping poor kids or whatever you will know when it shows you. i wish you lots of luck

  10. Well, I had a vivid dream that my sister got fired from her job. I told her about it, which she still got fired one week later.

    Precognition is only good to prepare for things.

  11. You are to use it to HELP people!  Otherwise God would not have given it to you.

    Don't forget to give Him the glory everytime.

  12. God warned his people strongly to stay away from psychics, mediums and familiars. There is a story in acts where Paul is being followed around by a psychic and he exorcises her, and her owners (she is a slave) try to sue Paul for ruining their psychic. She was possessed by a demon.

    Anyway the point is God does not give people psychic powers, according to the Bible, Satan does that.

    If God gives you the gift of prophecy then it is God giving you information through the Holy Spirit. Not you precognizing on your own. Humans can't tell the future.

    Read your Bible, and pray. If the gift is from God, then he will guide you. Not a bunch of wiccans and pagans.

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