
Ok,Sarah Palin and Barack Obama go into a Boxing Ring,who gets Carried out of the Ring?

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My money is on Sarah,I think she would beat him until he was crying like a little kid.Who's your money on?

Anyone else also think the Palin pick for VP seems to have the Libs panties all in a twist? Worried or something?




  1. I think you are wasting your time... and your wager

  2. I agree with you. obama's a wimp

  3. Nobody. They have tea and crumpets and waltz off into the sunset!

  4. I want to see Palin kick some Pelosi A**!!!!!!

  5. Obama  

  6. She's going to kick his *** and Biden's too on a platter and feed them to the bears.. they're starving but then again Obama is kind of lanky- no meat there. Scratch that part.

    McCain/Palin 08

  7. Obama, the smoker against Palin the Marathoner? Its no contest.

  8. "I think she would beat him until he was crying like a little kid."

    I suspect that it doesn't take much to make Obama cry like a little kid.

    But to your main point, quein es moy macho?

    Sarah is more macho. She earned what she has in life through hard work and slow, incremental moves up the ladder.

    Obama is the poster child for Affirmative Action. Guilty whites have carried him on their shoulders to where he is today.  

  9. Palin is a "hockey mom" and Obama is a smoker - just a few moves to make him breathe hard and she'd have him knocked out without violence!

  10. Wait don't you mean Biden vs. Sarah? He's the VP nominee also

  11. Palin.   He's already having to backtrack on the experience statements he made about her.  She'd beat him right into a corner and Michelle would have to come and rescue his sorry butt.  

  12. We're worried about someone that we know nothing about being hand selected by someone who only met her once to hold an extremely important position in our government. How could this not worry you?

  13. She's a wildcard. It wouldn't surprise me if she cleans Obama's and mr plagiarism's clock.

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