
Ok , the petrol prices are hitting us all hard ,?

by  |  earlier

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but do you feel the governament should help the realy disabled ,and those with disabled children with a bit more money, as iv heard some can not afford to buy petrol at these rediculas prices and will therfor become house bound , ?




  1. *sigh* We are in so much trouble...

  2. the government could help ease the price burden for all of us by reducing the tax they take, but they cant afford to do that so we'll all suffer instead

  3. it's because of the developing countries such as China who have high demands for petrol, petrol is rising. Although i feel sympathy for these type of people i don't believe it is the British Governement's fault as the import is costing more more so they increase the prices. And anyway the type of people you mentioned would get extra money from the government anyway because of the disabilities and other pensioners. not everyone can afford it, but as inflation increases petrol will increase and we only get a little extra wages from the government, not a lot though. so we must figure out a long term solution, why not use a catalytic convertor to decrease the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide output.

  4. It is not the place of the government to give more moeny to you since it means it has to take away money from someone else who is of course equally deserving.

  5. The Government help us! pigs will fly when that happens.

  6. Yes!I do!

  7. Sorry to use this.  In principal I agree with you but I can not see it happening for a long while yet  if  ever, I was listening to a radio four prograrmme this morning anad was not a little alarmed to hear thathe government is approaching it's borrowing limit of 40% of the National Product. Each time it tries to raise tax theprotests are so great it has had to back down (10% tax rate is one )  The demads for increases in expenditure from the NHS to defence are such that the elastic is about to break (my comment)

    Until HMG actually stops messing around and insisting on value for money not only from contractors (who consistaantly rip the government off) to the practices in the Civil Service NHS etc. It is well known that if one third was cut from the Civil Service it would hardly be noticed and if the systems were modernised a third of the remainder could go. THAT IS ABOUT 2/5THS REDUCTION OF THE WAGE BILL

  8. I think that when Capitalism fails us and it has the government should step in so we don`t end up with people stealing and we get the country`s reputation that we cannot help our people when they fall down because of failed capitalism.

  9. Well it'll all feed into inflation in the end - if our costs go up it has all got to be priced in.  

    The mess the economy is in is all down to Brown.

  10. It's only going to get worse and you must learn how to spell.

    The truth.

  11. its not just the disabled love........its all of us????????? every hard working family regardless of disabilty,is feeling the pinch,it affects the haulage companys,then snowballs from there into our foodchain suppliers. the goverment want to stop giving handouts to other countries and start looking after our own,that includes the thousands of homeless living rough on the streets.

  12. in a way i think this petrol problem is a good thing. perhaps it will wake us all up to how county planners are designing our whole lives around the massive consumption of polluting oil. its about time we started to draw family life back into walkable areas like it used to be. perhaps then we can free up petrol for those that need it to get to work! while we grapple with realistic alternatives to oil.

  13. I'm sorry to say no, because what ever the chancellor gives with one hand he takes it back with the other plus a bit more!

    the working classes in the UK are being taxed to death, oh and when you do die they tax you some more

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