
Ok APA ?????????????

by Guest66814  |  earlier

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I dont know 3 things about APA but can a lower ranked player enter their nat tourn if so what is the lowest rank to ever win it

AKA Does a handicap carry you far enough??




  1. in the APA...anyone can win it...really..haha...that league SUCKS, seriously...grrr...well, I'm no 2,3,4 or 5...but yes, I'm admitting that I have lost to a frickin 2 player due to their handicap..them only having to win 2 games & me 5..and me losing by scratching the 8 and fouling the 8 on the 2nd game..they can enter the nationals..and by sheer luck they's 3 things to know about APA :

    1. they s***w you over financially

    2. they don't follow up on their own rules

    3. THEY SUCK..........haha...enough said? ....Dre O

  2. Johnny if you are refering to the singles national it's open to any registered player right down to the two rated ones. But the chances of a two making it to the finals are very slim. I have qualified myself but did it as a 5 and as far as what is the lowest rated player to have ever won I have no access to that data but I do know some people that could probably pull it up if you really need to know this. You would have to be a regional operator to have the sort of access.
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