
Ok Baseball Reggs Topic Of conversation?

by Guest60382  |  earlier

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ok so as you know imma big yankee fan. and i live in nyc

and there is a common misconception about hitting with risp

so like people saying arod cant hit with risp

and im trying to tell people hitting with risp is more luck then skill

and i have sum examples

in 04 hideki matsui hit .333 w/risp in 05 he hit .213 so all of a sudden he forgot to hit with risp den 07 He was hitting .312

another example

im 06 joe mauer hit .341 with risp then in 07 he hit .249

just like people saying this player is clutch i dont think there is a such thing in baseball at least i think it is just luck when your talking about hitters.

so wat you think




  1. I agree with you.  I've always looked at that statistic as weird. What does it matter that there are risp?  He would hit anyway if there aren't. So why put it there. It's like, what your avg with the bases loaded?  Come on! It's like u say, luck. A good hitter should have a good avg no matter where runners are.  Have to admit there are some players who just have the best of avg with risp like Jeter and Big Papi, but they are both great hitters even when they have no one on base so what's the point.  

    I hate those stats like he hits .300 at night and .298 by day. Or on grass vs turf.  Hitting is hitting no matter where.  

  2. I respect A-Rod great playa

  3. You can say it is luck but a lot of it is also the guys that are hitting around you, if you have good hitters hitting around you then you will see pitches that you can possibly do something with, if you are hitting with no protection then you tend to get impatient and start swinging at bad pitches.

  4. I agree. Batting average can be measured and talked about because it is consistent. A player might be hitting .250 wrisp but only have four at bats in those situations. Players can not be judged purely on wrisp. It is an over rated stat.

  5. I won't say it's luck...I'll still take the most skilled player with RISP anyday. There are, however, situational differences that matter.  Who's running? Who's pitching?  How many AB does that batter have with RISP (if it's only say,,,50 AB, then the difference between a .260 hitter and a .300 hitter is 2 hits). If there is just a runner on third, then sac flies don't hurt the average, but are obviously productive.   It's still a game of skill for every at bat...but it usually has a smaller sample size, so numbers will vary.

    Also, some hitters are just naturally prone to hit better in different situations (vs LHP, Night, in certain stadiums, etc.).  And it's not so much clutch factor to me, as it is composure. I want the player who is composed and will be able to take his normal approach.  Of course, it all depends on the circumstances of the game that determines a player being in said situations.

  6. Although i would have to say i think it is an overated statistic. If you take a look closer at what you wrote it makes perfect sense to me. Both of your exapmles show back to back years. Dont forget pitchers read all the stats that everyone else does. Pitchers take that into account & for the most part are usually intelegent.  

    If I was pitching & I read that Joe Smith absolutely rakes with RISP guess what if Joe comes up I sure as h**l aint gonna give him a d**n thing to hit. On the same regard if Joe is on deck & the guy batting dosent hit well with RISP I am going to do everything I can to not have to pitch to Joe.

    So in other words if you rake one year, you aint gonna get pitched to the next. When players dont get pitched to with RISP they will start trying to force it & reach for stuff, which ALWAYS ends in disaster.

    A good example of this...Two years ago A-Rod couldnt buy a hit with RISP but last year he was the F'n man. Who else would you rather have up there huh? Now this year they arent giving into him any  more because he showed he could do it...& who bats before A-Rod huh, Bobby Abreu & guess who is dominating with RISP because they would rather force Abreu to do it than A-Rod.

    Next year it will switch back assuming A-Rod still has protection in the lineup. He will get pitched to & they wont want to throw to Abreu. Pitchers are as smart as the statistics you give them.

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