
Ok HELP! my brother said his haunted... is it??0_0?

by  |  earlier

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he sayz stuff like

the bed was shaking, the bed was lefted and it fell, stuff was trown, and other "paranormal" activitiez...

and my other brother who is like 10 said when he was in that room his nentendo lefted up in the air then droped!

and mi siter((11)) said she herd a scream or something in that very same room!!!!

this room is downstairs. in the basement..

i have never seen any "paranormal" thingz..


do u think that room((our house)) is haunteD?




  1. haunting is a very rare thing and I mostly agree with the talking about sleep,

    but if U yourself ever encounter such thing, it means they have sth 2 say, thats why they brought themselves so down to earth, u can ask them to leave, if continued ask a metaphysician to come over and settle it down as it is appropriate, but i dont think a priest and exoricism and stuff is suitable, u can find a lot of metaphysicians in universities teaching metaphysics, gud luck.

  2. make to room more "airy", these things are seen or felt by your brother due to decrease in oxygen level at that place,

    this can demage his mind too , so take care, it should have fresh air in that room .

  3. No, he's yanking your chain. Use the spell check.

  4. There are three things that indicate to me right away that it might not be haunted.

    1) Some of the stuff has happened while in bed. There are dream states, and other states that someone can get into while trying to sleep that can cause realistic hallucinations, especially auditory hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up and movement hallucinations. Also, when the lights are out, any red light can appear to float up and around the room. This is just an illusion caused by the contrast of the light and the dark and having no setting to anchor the image.

    2) Hysteria. The more stories that come from the room, the more people become afraid of the room. The more afraid they are, the more they are likely to imagine things that arent there. They may seem very realistic, but it is only caused by fear and imagination.

    3) Siblings like to play these pranks and tell stories to each other. I grew up with 3 siblings, so I know the drill. We loved to tell stories and scare each other.

    If you can rule these things out, then you might have a case for a haunting.

  5. Yup, but you should probably have a priest come and check stuff out.  If it is then you should probably have an exorcism.

  6. It very much be haunted, my house is haunted on the 2nd floor by an elderly mans ghost, who doesn't do anything but close doors and appears every now and agian. You may have a ghost, which could be good or bad. Ghosts either do there own thing and ignore the "living" world or they interact with us. Some may play pranks and move objects, like in your situation. But others can be evil, called poltrageist, which take control of people or have an evil intention of hurting someone or wrecking your house. Maybe you should have somebody investgate it or get a religious person to bless your house and drive out the spirit so they than rest in peace. Good luck, and don't be afraid.

  7. you should set up a video camera without telling anyone else, and you can verify some of these claims

  8. you need to spend overnight in the basement and if the ghost doesnt kill you, then you dont have to worry about it.

  9. It is possible that the place is haunted.

    I cannot say for sure; but I would recommend consulting a priest or exorcist.

  10. They are messing with you, you should play along and turn it around on them!

  11. I think yoo  aer nutz in da hedd. Dere iz know sutch ting az gosts.

  12. Hmm... first of all, how would you know your brother is not daydreaming? and your sister, how would you know if the scream came from outside?

  13. probably but dont wrry it'll go away you could

    (1)look up the history of the house , find out wats wrong, and than try and set it right

    (2)move away

    (3) find out wat type of ghost it is and ether comunicate with it or get it exircised

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