
Ok I'm 12 should i use a pad or tampon ? please help?

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whitch one please help




  1. I would say a pad. I didn't start using tampons till I was 18 because they hurt me alot.  

  2. you are TWELVE

    you belong in a DIAPER

    i think they should make it illegal for little girls to have periods

  3. Pads for now tampons when your older. I got my peroid when i was 12 i used pads untill i was 16 then went to tampons.

  4. use your boyfriends tounge

  5. if you were on you period and was going to go swimming tampon..because you have to wear a tampon swimming when you are on your period. but to start off pads because they are nice and easy. to tell you the truth once you use tampons you will prolly love them because pads are soo much harder to deal with and tampons shouldn't hurt when you insert them, but for right now start off with pads.


  6. well I would say a pad, since they are nice and easy.

    Once you get a little older, you can try tampons.


  7. It really does not matter. A tampon is made for all women, they come in different shapes and sizes, you will not feel them if they are inserted correctly.

    •Try not to worry about inserting the tampon right the first time. If you are tense it will make insertion harder.

    The best time to practice inserting a tampon is during the heavy part of your period. The tampon should glide inside your v****a easily without any discomfort.

    Sit of the edge of the toilet and hold the lips of your v****a open.

    Hold the tampon applicator in your right hand if you are right-handed, or left if left-handed.

    Use your thumb and middle finger to hold the bottom of the larger, outer tube.

    Point the tip of the applicator toward your v****a, facing slightly towards the back. The smaller tube should be pointed away from your body.

    Place the tip of the applicator at the opening of your v****a.

    Gently push the smaller end of the applicator in until it is completely inside the larger outer tube. This pushes the tampon into your v****a and out of the tube.

    Always read the manufactuer's instructions throughly before using any type of tampon.

    If the tampon feels uncomfortable it is probably not inserted far enough into your v****a. Try again with a new tampon.


    Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious but uncommon bacterial infection. TSS was originally linked to the use of tampons, but is now also known to be associated with the contraceptive sponge and diaphragm birth control methods. TSS has also resulted from wounds secondary to minor trauma or surgery incisions where bacteria have been able to enter the body and cause the infection.

    The symptoms of TSS include sudden high fever, a faint feeling, watery diarrhea, headache, and muscle aches. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away.

  8. use a tampon...pads are gross; do you really want to be sitting in your own blood? I don't think so

    use a tampon, and get the light

  9. whatever ur more comftable with

  10. Try both (not at the same time) and see which one is easier and more confortable from there. It's all about comfort.  

  11. if you've been having periods for a while or they're heavy, you should try tampons. They're waaaaaayyyyy better than pads!!! less chance of leaking and you feel more confident.

    hope this helps xxxx

  12. use a diaper baby

  13. You should probably use a pad for now.

    With tampons there's always a risk of something called Toxic Shock Syndrome, and it can be very, very dangerous. You have to be sure that you change your tampon frequently, because the tampon is, when in use, warm and moist, which makes a perfect home for bacteria. It's not a problem when changed regularly, but if left in for too long it could become a problem.

    Also, I'm assuming you haven't had s*x before, and it's generally very uncomfortable for a girl who hasn't had s*x to use a tampon - it's too big, or, in some cases, it can break the hymen.

    If you don't like the idea of a pad, I would recommend sticking to the smaller ones (just a little more than a panty liner) and just being sure to change them frequently. It feels less like a diaper, and there's less blood to deal with every time.

  14. Pads for now your to young for tampons, they can be unsafe at your age, wait until your 16-17 until yo use them. They are not that great anyway, they can be messy if you don' use them right.

  15. its not up to us, you have to do what you feel comfortable with. im fourteen and i use a tampon. its very easy. and way more comfortable then a pad. it feels like a diaper and they are not pleasant. but trust me, you should do what you feel comfortable with. dont ask us, because everyone is different. its what feels right to you and your body. but if you really want my honest opinion. i say try tampons, just ask fer help so you dont hurt yourself the first time. (:

    hope i helped.

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