
Ok I'm pregnant and happy about it...but my ex has an issue of he thinks its not his...?

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Ok i broke up with my ex 3 weeks ago

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and he says its not his...he blames my friend who just came back to from down south 3 weeks ago...but i told him when we do a DNA test just to tickle his fancy...because he swear it ain't his but we were dating at the time and i was very faithful to him...hes bringing up times 2 weeks ago when i went ot visit my older sister fora few days and says i had s*x with someone then and all this...but my family agrees that if I'm 7 weeks along how can it be my friend who was in texas at the time this happened...i just want him to sign over his rights so i can leave the state...What should I do?




  1. wel i think you need to be more focused on your health and the baby right now.

    i dont think you should be stressing yourself out over this right now.

    you have plenty of time to worry about who the father of your baby is later on after you have him/her.

    besides if he wants to act immature then let it go and prove him wrong later

    take care good luck.

  2. Nothing can be done as far as rights until the baby is born and a DNA test is done on the baby. If it his baby then he does have rights and maybe doesn't want to sign them over.

  3. my opinion is if he really thinks the baby not his then it wouldnt matter if you left the country try and scare him tell him that your going to leave and if he really doesnt think the babys his then he shouldnt have a problem see what he says??, dnt stay somewhere your not happy it wont be good for the pregnancy and you.

  4. you can leave the state without him signing anything. who told you this?

  5. hey it sounds like you were "very faithful" to him!


    Your ex is...............NOT the father.

    but at the least,   I am happy that you are happy about it,

    it sounds like the only thing you need to do now is make sure you get that Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid test to make sure who the child support payments come fom.

    Its time to put on your "Mother" game, because right now that baby is #1, not any friggin boyfriend or baby daddy or what ever.

    If you weren't trying to get pregnant (i'm assuming), then you should realize things you will be telling your kid such as " USE PROTECTION FOR s*x.....get a good job, Get married, get a car, get a house, then have a kid.." at least i hope you would tell your kids to use contraception!..>nudge...nudge<

    Any ways GOOD LUCK and best wishes to you, kids are great you'll love it!

  6. next time have a baby with a man you have a future with...?!

  7. you dont need his permission from him to leave the state because you weren't married...and if he doesnt sign the birth certificate he has no rights

  8. while you are still pregnant he has no rights anyway, it's your body, your baby.

    if he doesn't think it is it's unlikely he'll go to court just to sign some papers that would make the baby partly his.

  9. I guess all you can do is wait until you take the DNA test. If he doesn't believe you, that's his problem. He probably knows it's his he's just trying really hard to make himself not believe it because it's such a shock to him.

    Good luck & Congratulations!

  10. Might need to kick him in the happy sack and tell him to grow up.  ^_^

  11. Just tell him you don't care what he thinks.  Tell him if he doesn't think the baby is his then it is fine with you.  Never bring it up again.  On the papers at the hospital put "Unknown" where the fathers name should be.   It just seems easier to me than putting you through all this stress.  You don't want him around, he doesn't want to be the father, so tell him to move along.  

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