
Ok I Made a Huge Mistake and Slept with 2 People and Now Im Pregnant...If you Were me what would you do?

by Guest65954  |  earlier

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Please dont judge me...everybody makes mistakes and Now its too late into the pregnancy to abort which I dont believe in anyway.




  1. Get a DNA test as the child does deserve to know their father, at least that way you know as well

  2. Maury, Dr. Phil. Judge Judy, Jerry Springer

  3. what do ya want to do know who the father is... take a dna test.... what to do to give take classes.... but dont freak out QUITE yet

  4. Once upon a time I slept with two guys in the same cycle. It happens.

    Which one did you sleep with closer to when you were ovulating?

    Have a DNA test done as soon as you can. Even if the baby comes out looking exactly like one of the men, he will still know in the back of his mind that it might not be his. The two guys will need some closure.

    Also, come up with some comeback lines. We all know people can be total dickwads sometimes. They are even bigger douches when it involves children, even if they know nothing of the circumstances (I once got called a w***e by an old cashier for buying diapers for my sister who is 15 years younger than me). They'll ask who the father is, and you'll have to say something. Anticipate it.

  5. just make sure you tell both people about the possibility of them being the father and when the baby is born get a dna test done.

  6. Wait until the baby is born, then get a DNA test. Don't stress about it, there's nothing you can do now! Just enjoy your little one, he/she is definitely YOURS! The baby does, however deserve to know his father and the rest of his family...Good luck.

  7. Schedule a DNA test so that you will know as soon as possible.

  8. you have to find out who is the father...

    and be prepare for the baby....

    children are a lot of work....

    yeah!! don't do abort...

    God blees you and your little angel....

  9. If you don't have enough time money Ect.

    adoption is a excellent sulition But make sure that keep them till they have loving parents other wise they will be in foster care. because lots of people who want Children can't have them and take a DNA when the child(ren) are bron to find out the father .

    Smiles ~*brandi*~

  10. Honey I was you and even though I knew when I conceived, the drs were giving me a completely different conception date. All you can do is wait until the baby comes, and get a dna test then. Its going to be hard not to stress over it but there really is no point, you will only hurt yourself and ultimately the baby with all the added stress. Focus on that bundle of joy and cross that bridge when you get to it. Most of all keep it real! Don't be like the girls on Maury, swear 10000% that john doe is the father when you know there is a chance that he's not. I sat the possible fathers down early in my pregnancy and explained it to them, no matter how bad it felt. I wanted to be the first to tell them. They won't have no choice but to respect you! God Bless!

  11. I would be honest and tell both men that you are pregnant and there is a possibility of 2 fathers.  I would get the paternity test as soon as the baby is born

  12. Wait til the baby is born and do a paternity test.

  13. I would have the baby and keep it moving, if one of them approached me then I would say oh yeah it may be yours if you want to be apart of the babys life lets get a DNA test and go from there if not so what.  I'm a single mom by choice two times around and I say you can find a dad for your kid anywhere, I choose to do it alone.

  14. You need to tell both potential fathers.  Don't wait until the baby is born to decide to tell them you don't know who it belongs too.  Face up to your mistake for the sake of your child.

  15. are you still with either of the men or were they just one night stands? i would get a DNA test because the child has a right to know who its father is regardless of your relationship with them. I would also inform both the guys that they could potentially be the father so its not such a shock. Did you have unprotected s*x with both men? If so i would get STD tested as well.

  16. Once the baby's born, you can do a DNA test.  Don't panic too much about it now; like someone else said, there's nothing you can do about it anyway.

    It's up to you whether or not you want to tell these two guys about what's going on or if you want to wait for the test results and just tell the acutal father.  Waiting would save you having to admit to both guys that you slept with someone else at basically the same time; it would also save any competition between the two guys as to who's the father.  However, waiting until after the baby is born and tested to tell its father that he has a kid isn't exactly courteous to the father; the father may be upset that he missed the birth, etc.

    But whatever you do, don't just guess.  Firstly, if you guess who the father is before your little one is born and he/she looks exactly like the other guy, then you'll have some awkward explaining to do.  Secondly, if you make your guess based on the baby's appearance at birth, the baby's looks could change in its first couple of years of life and hence the baby could wind up looking like the other guy.  Thirdly, your child deserves to know who his/her father is - your guess could be wrong.

    PS: Thanks for not aborting.  Thanks for believing in your baby's right to life.

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