
Ok. I bought my daughter 2 finches 3 days ago, 1 male,1 female.Today, we found an egg in their nest. What now?

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Ok. I bought my daughter 2 finches 3 days ago, 1 male,1 female.Today, we found an egg in their nest. What now?




  1. well don't eat it, if you want another finch that will be hand raised and know you better keep it and IF your sure it's a male and female keep it it might be a fertile egg!

  2. uh i would put the birds in seperate cages........ or you can just have lots of finches!

  3. I had these for my kids also. The problem with them is they will keep inter breeding as long as you let them. The egg is probably going to hatch since you have the male also. It's a great experiance for the child, but beware, the babies are really ugly. The look like the bad gizmos in the movie with little spikes on their heads. If you don't want anymore, you can try putting fake eggs int he nest, generally if the female has an egg to set on,(the male will also care for the egg) they won't lay anymore. But with 2 birds, you can easily end up with 20 or more within a very short time!! Good luck, the child will get a kick out of it. After the egg hatches, you need to make a mixture of soft, runny cooked eggs to feed the female so she can feed the baby. But don't let it set there for to long it will go bad quickly. Pick up the book inthe pet store about finches, it's not expensive and very interesting read.

  4. Well 1. You decide with your daughter what kind of eggs you want for breakfast


    2. You go to the pet store and ask the store clerk for baby finch information and buy the appropriate items to help that baby grow


    3. When the egg hatches give it to the pet store or w/e


  6. There is nothing wrong with letting them nest.  Yes, the pet store will not give you what you paid for the parents, that's how they make their money.  But since you put a nest box inside it's only normal that they would use it.  Count yourself as fortunate :) some people want the birds to breed and they just perch and look at each other.  The finches will do all the work, besides it can be a great experience for your daughters to watch them hatch and grow.  When they fledge, they leave the nest, you can run an add in the paper, or call the pet store.  Who knows, you may be able to sell the babies and buy more food, toys and all the stuff that make a happy healthy bird :)

  7. Finch omelette?

  8. You don't say what kind of finches that you bought. This makes it hard to answer your question. If they sit on them then you will have bunches of finches. The pet shop won't give you half of what you paid for them if you try to sell to them. The best thing is if you don't want to breed finches then take the nest out of there. Most finches are induced into breeding with rich food and the presence of a nest. They only need a nest if they are going to breed. The DO NOT need a nest to sleep in at night. A perch will do fine for their sleeping. Pet shops tell you all of this so they can sell dry goods. Dry goods are usually marked up about 200 percent. That is where they make their money.

    A friend of ours had a pet shop. They sold it and then had to take it back over a few years later. They had a new baby and asked if we would help them out with the shop until the resold it. I could take someone who came in for a parakeet and by the time I was done with them they were spending $150-$175 on bird, cage and accessories. They don't need that nest.

    Now if you have decided to try your hand a raising finches go purchase a book about what ever species of finch you have. You can't expect to raise babies with out really knowing what you are getting into. It will tell you what to feed them and so on. The eggs of most finches hatch in about 14-16 days. Then they fledge around the same amount of time. By the time they are four weeks old they will be ready for their own cage. Yes, you will need to separate them. It is all according to what kind of finch that they are, but some are ready to breed at three months unless you keep them in juvenile cages and then separate by s*x or you will be inundated with finches. The mess and expense multiplies exponentially with more and more babies.

  9. We have a pair of Zebra finches at my office.  My boss who owns them always throws their eggs away.  When she first had them she let them hatch a couple and it was a huge pain in the butt.  They were super noisy and had to eat all the time.  It about drove everyone insane and she swore never again.

  10. leave it

  11. The egg may not be fertilized, though chances are ... it probally is. When you have only a female she will lay eggs that are not fertilized, so if they didn't mate, it may be a "dudd" but if it is fertilized then you will have 3 finches. Once the baby gets old enough you can sell it or give it to a pet shop to sell.

  12. aww, I think you should keep it, let the finches take care of it, and    

    ask the pet store that you got them from, if there's anything you can do, I must add that i have no idea what a finch is, but would assume it is a bird?...I would google it, but I'm pregnant and tired, such an excuse I know, lol, but I say...If you have two, what's the harm in you have a finch family!

  13. bring it to the vet, right away, ask him to take care of it( to get rid of it if you don't want it). if you want a baby finch buy some manuals and heat pads. hope this helps!

  14. Apparently you got the buy 2, get 1 or more free deal:)

    Leave the egg alone.  There will be more.  

    You should not remove eggs from an "active" nest (laying or incubating). Doing so will only make the hen lay more eggs to replace them.

    Since you purchased a male and female, and have a nest in the cage, I can only assume that you intended to breed the birds.

  15. Make sure you are feeding a real good diet and have a source of calcium for the female. Finches need more than just a seed mix! Soft food is good too, especially when they are feeding babies.

    Honestly the chance of the first batch ending up with babies is slim. It takes them awhile to figure out how to be good parents. Just be patient and they will get it right.

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