
Ok I don't get!?

by  |  earlier

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My little siblings bug the snot out of me. Especailly the sass-mouth won't listen to anyone 9 year old. I'm usually a kind hearted nice person, but when I babysit them I sometimes end up losing my temper in this never ending struggle and they end up hit crying yelling and throwing fits. And I end up crying on the phone to my mom. No matter how many times I vow not to lose my temper on them I do it again. I want to start babysitting other kids, they for some reason don't make me mad.

How can I stop letting my own siblings break me down and view them as the cute little kids I see most other little kids as?




  1. Breathe..... calm down.  Let the nine year old do what she will, you can't control her. Don't come down hard on them or use punishments as a way to vent yoUr frustration. Play with them just like you would the other kids you'd babysit. Siblings are hard 2 get along with tons of sweet awesome people have this problem, don't worry yourself sick or cry to your mom if ur old enough to babysit you can avoid losing control.  All you can do is accept you can't make them do anything. Not being a control freak and asking them if they will do stuff in stead of deciding that they'll do it if u have to drag them in there.  RESPECT THEM REGARDLESS IF YOUR PARENTS ARE AROUND OR NOT!

              Crying or begging won't make them listen nor will hitting as you've found out. Become someone they can respect and look up to and everything will fall into place.  They'll be more likely to listen if they feel they have a choice and your not mean.  

              Sweetheart siblings know how to push you until you pop and you need to learn to not show them you've reached that point so they'll give up, not keep going.  

            Try other ways to relax like praying that helps to or reading your scriptures ( assuming your religious if not hope i don't offend ) another good way is too get away once a day for some vent time.  Exercise burns more that fat it burns anger as well.

                Hope that helps good luck and God Bless!

  2. Well sibling rivalry is natural. Although you could try setting them down for a movie, keep them calm, when they start to yell speak in a calm collective voice, they will respond to this. Ask them what they want to do, don't give them sugar or caffiene. Set them down for a board game, and have fun. =)

  3. I blame the parents. You obv aint got the patience with kids so why babysit others?

  4. I think everyone has this problem at some point.  Don't beat yourself up over it, it's natural. However don't think that gives u the right to hurt them. Try your best thats all anyone can do.

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