
Ok I got a $414 mountain bike ticket?

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my question is that since i am disabled,aka I got SSI for ADD is there anyway I can contest this ticket? I dont have a job and I barely have anymoney to myself after rent,I got pulled over for not having lights the officer claimed the real and front reflectors were too low,and i also got stopped for having one hand on the handlebars while smoking a cigarette and riding,is there anything i can do about this reguarding having SSI and so on




  1. Yes you can contest this ticket. Go to the court before the fine is due, and tell them you wish to contest the validity of the ticket as well as the amount of the fine. Even running a red light in a car doesn't cost this much. At the very least, the judge examining your case will most likely reduce your fine significantly, and if you're lucky, they'll dismiss your case altogether.

  2. That cop sounds like a n**i!

    Talk to county sheriff, or other authority over him and ask them "didn't this guy have any other thing to do than worry about my bicycle?"

    Believe it or not - that might just embarrass the police department enough to tear up the ticket.  I asked that question once to a county sheriff after getting a ticket for a rolling stop in a deserted subdivision (still under construction) at 4:30 in the morning while on way to work....cop was interrupted in his nap he was having in his car.  LOL.  Needless to say....the ticket disappeared once I explained scenario to the sheriff.

    So - talk to them....if they dont' tear it up - tell the judge that you simplly don't have the money to pay the ticket and if he feels you need to spend the time in jail for not having a light on your BICYCLE, an improperly placed reflector on your BICYCLE...and smoking a cigarette while on your BICYCLE.....then state you must do the time in jail as you are on disability and would go homeless if you had to pay this ticket as next months rent would go to the ticket.  

    Have someone call the media to interview you and the police officers immediately after court if you get sent to jail....and I bet all charges will instantly "go away".  Either way - that cop will be in major trouble with the community and his job for this type of c**p.

    This is just plain n**i police state c**p to me.

  3. What were you doing riding a bike and smoking?  

  4. I would contest the ticket. It would appear you pissed off the officer and he went nuts on you. Am I right?

    I would use that to your advantage. Riding a bicycle requires that the rider use only one had often. If it was illegal (and it might be) drinking from a water bottle would be illegal and so would using hand signals.

    I would guess that he will have calmed down and wont even show for this.

    lesson here is - This is the land of the free as long as you don't p**s off the man.  

  5. I would go home and contest even being there if the place was that way about someone simply riding a bicycle. Or tell them Vandals came out and beat your bike up minutes before the prick cop got there. I'd tell them anything except for something nice.  

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