
Ok I got accepted to my Hunter college and Hofstra University i can afford hunter but not hofstra. What to do?

by  |  earlier

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My major is elementary education with a minor in psychology, should i go broke and go to Hofstra or save my money and go to Hunter College (CUNY)?




  1. If Hunter's program is at all decent, I would suggest you go there. There's no sense in bankrupting yourself for college, especially when you're going into a profession where the salaries are not necessarily high.

  2. Save your money and go to Hunter College (CUNY), because the Bachelor's degree isn't worth what it used to be.  A lot of people these days have a Bachelor's degree.  You be even better off going to a community college and bite your pride and save even more money and then transfer to where you wanna go.  Make sure you get a lot of work experience in your field and get good grades so that you can get scholarships when you are in college and also to the college you wish to transfer to when you leave the community college.  a lot of jobs these days want experience and are not focused on degrees anymore.  You need both the dree and the education and that is what will make you stand out above the others.

  3. You can start off with hunter, and save money or earn a scholarship then transfer to hofstra. But hunter is a good college though.

  4. Do you really have to ask that question with the economy the way it is...

    Be a fool,,,, go for broke!  NOT!

  5. My biggest regret with college was not picking the best possible school I could get into. Regardless of student loans and future debt, your education is very important. And your job options are more notable when you go to a more well-known college as well.

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