
Ok I have a question. If it's illegal to sell your own baby (not that I agree with that or anything)....?

by  |  earlier

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Then why does it cost so much to adopt a baby/child?..Technically you're buying a child. So if somebody actually wanted to give the kid a nice life but wanted to cut out the "middle man" this would not be legal. It doesn't make sense. They don't want black market babies but yet the system is like that. Opinions?

I was just thinking about this today. Everyone who wants to give love to a child should get the opportunity, money shouldn't really have anything to do with it. And as far as being approved to adopt a child, people dont' have to be "approved" when they get pregnant and take their baby home to keep it there. Anyone else thinks this is messed up to a certain extent?




  1. I think that it has a lot to do with legal issues as well. You know if someone just gave you their baby and then later on said you kidnapped the baby and they did DNA have no proof of being legal guardian. I agree that it is too expensive though. My brother and his wife are on a waiting list and they would be such wonderful parents!

  2. they have adoption agencies so they can screen and background check the people wanting babies..would you want a child to go to someone who has extensive criminal history...or someone who is has mental problems * has been to a mental instatution*..

  3. I agree that adoption has become way too cost prohibitive and difficult.

    There needs to be some oversight, but it seems like the altruism is gone. It is more of a business than about the children.

    The fact that so many people have to go overseas to adopt and that Canadians come here to adopt mixed race or black children tells you how messed up it is.

  4. adoption, from what i've seen, is pretty much a disaster.  my best friend and a boy were adopted into a "silver spoon" lifestyle - we're talking private school and maid service, here - and she had nothing but problems her entire life.  when her father died, she inherited a boatload of money - it was gone within five years.

    i agree:  any crack ho can pump out a dozen babies and probably be allowed to keep them as long as she says the right words to the right ppl but when it comes to adoption, mother theresa and the pope wouldn't get approved (mother theresa for lack of income and the pope because he's single).

  5. well if i was putting a baby up for adoption it wudnt nessasarally mean that i didnt want it to go to a good home so yes people should be aproved, true people that are HORRIBLE  can get preg and riun a babys life but i wudnt want to just send my baby off and hope it wasnt a terrible situation they were being put in(wich could still happen) and it doesnt always cost to adopt a baby, most times it might, but not always

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