
Ok I have a wart on my finger and I'm using 'Compound W Wart Remover Strips'

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and I've been wearing it for about 3 days (changing it of course). Now what do I do? It just looks I supposed to keep the 'strip' on longer? Or am I supposed to take it off and let the wart dry out. It is not indicated anywhere on the box, and I tried researching it but the information I found is not clear. It's not a huge wart either, so I don't understand what I'm supposed to do.




  1. I have had tons of warts before on my hands.  If the strips look like they are working, then keep using them.  Otherwise, I suggest either using the liquid or the freeze kind.  You can also try using a potato and burying it during a full moon.  Duct tape also works.  It's really the acid from the duct tape.  

    With any of these things, when the wart starts to get white, it is dying.  I used to take nail clippers and clip off the parts that were dead, I knew they were dead because they did not hurt when I cut them.  Now, the great thing about the liquid is that when you have the wart level with your finger, you still need to get the roots.  With the liquid, it will be able to eat them away, unlike the freeze and the strips.  Just keep at it.

    If none of that works, I would suggest going to the dermatologist to get it frozen, cut or burned.

    Also, warts are a virus, and once you have them, you can get them back anytime and anywhere.  Keep your hands clean.  They also are formed from dirt in cuts.  So good luck.

  2. Gurl, forget that and go get a bottle of Oil of Oregano. GNC $20.  apply to the site and watch the results.

  3. I have found from vast experience,that if

    you stick the infected finger up your a/ss

    & keep it there for a minimum of 3 days,

    the bacteria 'work on it', & you will

    not only have a smelly finger,but also

    a great fan club.

    Did i say it removes warts ??

  4. keep using the strips until the wart is gone

    it takes several weeks

    I have had better luck with the stuff that freezes it off

    Good Luck

  5. ducktape will get rid of this thing in a week just wrap duck tape on it like a bandaid and leav it on it will be gone  !!!!!!!!!

  6. That junk takes forever to work.  Seriously just borrow a cigarette from a friend and stick it on there for like 2 seconds.  Wart will go away.

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