
Ok I have done so much research,but no answers. how is elizabeth II related to elizabeth 1 ?

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I'm looking for answers that can maybe help, how does elizabeth the 2 follow elizabeth the 1, what happen to the bolyens and where are the heirs to the bolyens,




  1. They are not  closely related;it was not a direct descent.The distant connection is through Henry VII of the Royal House of Tudor.

    Her Majesty,Queen Elizabeth II, is 38th in direct line of descent from Egbert (c. 775-839), King of Wessex(the Anglo-Saxons) from 802 and of England 827 to 839.

    Elizabeth I was a Tudor;Henry VII was her grandfather.He was from a junior branch of the family. His wife, Elizabeth of York, is from the senior branch, and the line passes through her and then through their daughter, Margaret Tudor.

    The crown has passed to different families thorughout the ages.  begins a history of the crown.

    discusses the relationships in more detail.

  2. Elizabeth II is not related to Elizabeth the first, their names are just the same, creating the I and II designation.  Anne Boleyn was married to King Henry VIII, and was Elizabeth I's mother. She was beheaded. Elizabeth I did not have any children, so the crown passed to her cousin Mary Queen of Scott's son, James I.

    BTW, Elizabeth I lived in the 16th Century, so how could she be Elizabeth II's mother? Elizabeth II is queen now.

  3. They are related.. in a VERY distant way.. check this out

  4. If I go back 16 generations from Queen Elizabeth II, we get to Queen Elizabeth of York (Call her QEY for short). QEY was not a ruler, she was Queen Consort or the wife of Henry VII. Queen Elizabeth I is the grandaught of QEY.


    0 - Elizabeth II - Queen of U.K.

    1 - George VI - King of U.K.

    2 - George V - King of U.K.

    3 - Edward VII - King of U.K.

    4 - Victoria - Queen of U.K.

    5 - Edward - Duke of Kent

    6 - George III - King of U.K.

    7 - Frederick - Prince of Wales

    8 - George II - King of Great Britain

    9 - George I - King of Great Britain

    10 - Sophia - Electress of Hanover

    11 - Elizabeth Stuart - Queen of Bohemia

    12 - James I - King of England (James VI OF Scots)

    13 - Mary - Queen of Scots

    14 - James V - King of Scots

    15 - Margaret Tudor - (married King of Scots)

    16 - Elizabeth of York - (married Henry VII)


    Anne Boleyn has not living descendents since her only daughter was Elizabeth I who died childless.


    MaryBoleyn married twice and had a son and a daughter who lived past childhood. She is related to

    Winston Churchill,

    P G Wodehouse,

    Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (Queen Elizabeth's mother),

    Diana, Princess of Wales,

    Sarah, Duchess of York, and

    Charles Darwin.

  5. They are not related.

  6. There is no blood relationship between Elizabeth R. Windsor II and Elizabeth R. Tudor I.

    As I understand it, between the lineage of the Windsors and the Spencers, Prince William will be the first Monarch to be a direct blood relative to the entire line of English Kings.

  7. Elizabeth II is a direct descendent of King Henry VII, who was Elizabeth I's grandfather.

    Anne Boleyn's sister Mary had two children by her husband William Carey, and I think there may be living descendents from that branch of the family.

  8. elizabeth the 2 is elizabeth the firsts daughter

  9. So distant as not to make too much of.Going back that far we are all probably related.

    Radio Jingles,yes the plot thickens indeed.Do you have any links to that?I read recently about his sisters but,there was no elaboration.Thanks if you can.

  10. Queen Elizabeth I Tudor was childless, therefore Queen Elizabeth II Windsor is NOT  her descendant.

    However, they both share a common ancestor:

    Henry VII Tudor and Elizabeth of York (grandparents of Queen Elizabeth I Tudor).

    Ann Boleyn's sister, Mary Boleyn, is a distant ancestor of  Winston Churchill, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (The Queen Mother), Diana, Princess of Wales, and Sarah, Duchess of York, among others.

  11. sounds like mother and daughter to moi

  12. Elizabeth II comes from the Hanovrian blood line from Germany.  Elizabeth I was a Tudor, after the revolution that saw Cromwell take temporary power, the line went to the Stuarts and then fell.....then came the Georges some good, some terrible and some just mad!  They started the German line in the present royal family.

    Plus, just to make things more interesting Prince Philip who married the present queen had sisters who married high ranking n***s!  Oh how the plot thickens........

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