
Ok I have to get this off my back.....?

by  |  earlier

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I just answered a question a woman asked about her daughter being 7 and how she is worried about her daughter being overweight. Most people wrote back saying try to teach her healthy eating habits and maybe get her involved in activites that could be fun and stuff like that. I said the same thing....I know it isn't a big deal, but it says a lot. All these answers (which I think are very appropriate) got a lot of thumbs down. Is this because there are a lot of overweight people on here who are trying to feel better about themselves. Many of americans are extremely overweight and if that is your choice then do it...heart disease is the # 1 killer of women in america because they don't know how to take care of themselves. I see why people would not approve of kids being healthy and trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. It just amazes me!




  1. It was likely just a couple of people who don't have anything better to do and don't want to participate in the process this site has, and they just like to ruin it. It happens everywhere, not just here.

  2. i eat terribly, and i dont exercise, but im still skinny and healthy!

    as the wise detective L said "You just have to use your mind enough to not get fat."

  3. Maybe its people who are worried about the 'image' issue for young girls and dont want to send the wrong message by telling a 7 yr old she needs to lose weight...

    just a thought

    I'm totally with you and the healthy eating and exercise thing though.

  4. I live in Texas, south texas to be exact. I was born in Florida. Here in TX there are TONS of mexican restaurants. it is normal to be overweight in my city of San Antonio. I'm not stick thin, i am 5'11" and about 145 pounds. Majority of people are overweight and i am the minority, i get stared at like there is no tomorrow. I get made fun of for being "skinny" when i am not stick thin. At work on my team there are 9 of us, and 6 are obese and they constantly eat at their desk and talk about food. Its sad that i'm the one who is picked on when i don't make any comments ever. WHen i go to out in public, its everywhere, everyone overweight. On a morning radio show, a local woman called in to complain about how she was called a "skinny b****" when she had a dispute with someone larger. i dont know.......its should i go out and stuff my face at the buffet to be like everyone else....

  5. The world is full of people living in denial.

    Fatties are no exception.  So please stop reminding them that being overweight, smelling permanently stale or of body odour, and sweating after walking up a short staircase are NOT normal traits of healthy human beings.

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