
Ok I just asked a Q about having a blankie... good time to get rid of the binkie?

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ok so do you think this would be a good time to get rid of the binkie... if he is getting attached to a balnkie??

also if the blankie is for security... then what am I lacking that he doesn't feel secure??

also at bed time / nap time... i am able to place my son in his bed awake tell him to lay down and go night night... and he doesn't fuss. So bedtime is not a problem. Im just confused.

i just didn't have any of this with my first son.




  1. I think it's ok to keep the blanket..i mean i still have mine, and other certian things for securety =]]

  2. I think that you should get rid of it afterall, he is getting older and is intersted in more stuff than his binkie

    hope i could help:)

  3. no let him have it for as long as he likes , he will eventually realise that other kids dont have them and then leave it of his own accored

  4. Maybe you can limit blankie time to the crib/bed only.  I did this with my daughter when she was about 10 months old with her pacifier.  She would go to her crib and bang her hand on it.  I'd put her in it and when she was done she's scream MOMMY!!!!  She's now 3 and still takes comfort in her pacifier but only when she's in her bed.  She also gets pacifiers when she's on the potty.  Great tool for potty training~~

  5. If you can get rid of the binkie, and he's happy using a blankie instead... then absolutely!!!  This is the perfect time to get rid of it, trust me... I'm dealing with a 2 year old who is very attached to her binkie and now to a blankie as well.

  6. Just let him have a blanket. My kids all had different things that they liked, and all outgrew them at different times. My oldest had a lion costume that he called Lovie and he loved Lovie until he was about 3. My daughter had Cowie and Mr. Bear and loved them until she was 4 and my baby is almost 3 and had to have a certain type of blanket he called a fuzzy and he doesn't need it anymore.

    Its not a security issue as much as a comfort and stability issue. You aren't doing anything wrong, they just prefer to have those items with them.

  7. Lets just say the earlier the better. We waited till my youngest son was over 3 before we took his away and it was a week of h**l. People should do it before a year old, but we cave and want then to be happy. Good luck

  8. Let the kid HAVE the blankie! I'm SO GLAD my mom DIDN'T take it away!

  9. Well, I think it is ok to have a blanket. My son has one and he is 5-but......he only wants it when he is sick and even then he doesn't have to have it. Don't let him get so attached that he has to have it all the time-just for bed or sick times. I babysit a girl that has one and if anyone touches it she screams bloody murder. She can't go anywhere without it-not even pee-even though I make her leave it on the couch when I take her. She is 2. It is so annoying I can't even explain. She is going to have a hard time going to preschool. She has a binkie too! Just Horrible!! Don't let him get that bad!

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