
Ok I just filed bankruptcy and my credit card debt is resolved. Why do I feel depressed.?

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Ok I just filed bankruptcy and my credit card debt is resolved. Why do I feel depressed.?




  1. Depression is a kind of mental something. I do accept that your credit card problem is resolved but mentally you are staying in the position before that solution. It's nothing serious, dear. Just pass couple of days----it would be okay, dam sure. You just cooperate yourself a little.

  2. Because you can't live beyond your means.

  3. i'd say your energy levels are very depleted and now that its finished you can 'afford to fall in a heap',so to speak.Just try to chill out , eat well and take a spell from thinking  too much.  

  4. Because you didn't file 2 years ago before they changed the bankruptcy laws.

    Your depression stems from many things. Basically, bankruptcy is a sign that you've lost control of your life. You're probably blaming yourself for having put yourself in a position to file. Yes, you were living beyond your means, but I am sure things happened that were beyond your control. I know that was my problem when I filed a few years ago. Whether it was a job situation or medical or something else, things happen that force us to take financial risks we wouldn't normally take. The credit card companies know this and they jack up your rates so high that no one can possibly pay them off.  Most, if not all bankruptcies can be avoided if the credit car companies were as honest as the customers they pretend to serve. Instead, they like to kick people when they're down on their luck.

    You were caught in a vicious cycle that very few of us ever escape from.  Take the fact that you have a new beginning as a blessing and stop blaming yourself.

  5. Because it sucks to have meaning of life pulled right out from underneath one's feet so suddenly.

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