
Ok I just got a Siberian Husky.....?

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and I want to know different ways to exercise him. I take him running a lot, at least three times a day but he always seems full of energy. He is real calm in the house but I want him to be a little more tired. And we play a lot of tug-a-war and tennis balls and stuff. any suggestions? Oh and how much would you say he should eat?




  1. make a playdate with a friend of urs who has a dog, or even take him to a dog park. Both of my dogs use up more energy when playing with other dogs.

    PS, kinda obvious, but still good to remember, depending on where you live, the husky very well hydrated, cuz im sure you know huskys have really thik fur (duh)

    sorry i point out the obvious alot ^_^

  2. For food, the best way to figure that out is ask your vet, they can weigh him and tell you. Also, stick to natural dog food like natures choice, vs iams or other name brands like that which hasnt shown up as the healthiest for pets. (iams also tests on animals). It sounds like your excercising your dog good. routine is key, your dog being exhausted at the end of excercise doesnt necessarily mean it was a good one, it could have just been stressful, or over-strenuous. Keeping up a good excercise routine makes for a happier healtheir dog. take him running 3 times a day for a set distance and time. play with him throughout the day, having a set time to go running gives him somethign to look forward to (he'll catch the pattern eventually) and will give him plenty of excercise. playing games in the house like your doing will keep him from getting bored. Remember, tiring him can be good if done properly but the goal of good excercise is not to exhaust the dog. it sounds like your on a good path, best of luck and enjoy him!

  3. How old is he? You don't want to push a young puppy too hard. If by "running" you mean both of you actually jogging for a good distance on asphalt, I would caution you to ease up on it, since it may damage his joints.

    IMO, the best exercise for a Siberian, outside of pulling in harness, is playing with another dog. My dogs wear each other out. Play dates with other friendly dogs might be a good idea.

    I can't give you an accurate idea of how much he should be eating since I do not know his age. Siberians generally thrive on 2-2.5 cups of high-quality, high-protein/fat kibble daily. They are very efficient breed. My 4 month old puppies are currently eating about 2.25 cups/day.

  4. You can't wear out a husky, period. It's impossible unless you had a sled from the snow. I have FOUR huskies and I very much know from experience as well as other husky owners. You do what you can, but at the end, you will be wearing yourself out. Taking your dog out for runs is an excellent choice! Huskies LOVE to run, I would not recommend using your bike with your dog, I think you wouldn't like to fall off of a bike when your dog sees another dog or person. "Full speed ahead!"

    On the dog food, it depends what your feeding him, every brand is different. Read the back on the food chart and see how many cups you should feed him.

    If you are ever concerned about what your feeding him and what's the difference between all of the dog brands out there, check out these two sites.


  5. Take him to the beach or something.

    How much should he eat?

    Probably 2 or 3 regular sized bowls of dog food a day.

  6. Huskies do have A LOT of energy! It's great that you are taking him for lots of walks and playing with him a lot! Maybe going to a local dog training place and doing some agility with him? That would be great for both you and him! It is also a great mental stimulator for him! I feed my German shepherd about 4 cups per day, so I would think a husky would eat more than that. Maybe 5-6 cups a day? It really depends upon the dog if he doesn't eat it all, then just give him a less until you find the right amount! Good luck! And have fun with him!

  7. It tells you right on your dog food bag how much he should eat. Find a nice safe fenced area where you can let him run and play.

  8. lol he's a puppy, he's gonna be loaded with tonne's of energy for the next 2 - 3 years. Try feeding him twice a day. Im actually quite jealous, I was gonna get a Syberian Huskey the other week, but I couldn't scrap together enough pennies in time and they all got sold :(

  9. Buy an agility course and run him over and over and over again. Hope it helps. =]

  10. Too much exercise for a Husky there is no such thing, this breed is so full of life and is always ready to get some really good NIke tennis shoes and put on youjr running cap, and enjoy a life of excitement with this breed,..,.they are great dogs, and you will tire out way  before they do

    Now, it depends on what brand of dog food you feed your dog, please read the label and go by it only, each brand of dog food is different.

    and store brands are the worse you can give a dog.

    they are all full of artifiical ingredients, by products, corn meal, wheat and just does give your dog all the nutrition it needs for its life.

    And these brands are not good for dogs either and have been proven not to be very good...they also contain junk and artificial ingredients.



    Science Diet

    Royal Canin


    these two are good foods for a dog, now there are a lot great dog foods out there,.just always be sure you read the ingredient label first.....MEAT should always be the number 1 ingredient on the bag, if not, then choose another...dogs need protein......

    and there are a lot of good raw diets, but some owners do not want to mess with this type of feeding.

    so read the ingredient label, then read the label for that dog food on how much to feed...

    good luck and congrats on the new dog.

    You cannot go by what someone tells you to feed, as they do not know what brand of dog food you are feeding....but choose a really good one, your dog breed needs all the nutrion it can get,.

    and for toys, Get the baby a KONG, most dogs love them. and they love Frisbees

  11. you need to find toys for the dog to play with when you are not entertaining him. lots of toys for the yard like treat balls and big raw hides or nyla bones. you have to remember this is a working breed and they want to be all ways busy you may not have the time or ability to get him all that tired.

  12. Do what you're doing now, but more.  Huskies have a LOT of energy.

    We give our 45 lb pit mix 4 cups of good dry food a day, which is 2x what the bag says.  So play it by ear - basically, feed him what he'll eat in 1 decent meal, if there's stuff left over, pick it up afterwards.

  13. when you find out the answer to this let me know. My wolf dog is relentless..always wants to go . We walk 3 times a day and go to a park and toss the balls. He comes home naps for an hr and BAMMM lets go again!

    He seems wired.

    He free feeds..

    He is Artic,Timber.Malamute and husky

    9 1/2 months and 117lbs.

  14. I have a miniature dachshund and she is in very good shape because I own a treadmill and she loves just hoping on it and going off exercising. You probably heard of the trick of just simply knotting a treat at the front of the treadmill so the dog will just keep on going until it gets tired. After I just give her the treat and she falls asleep like an angel. I really don't have the time to jog with her but a treadmill was a great solution.

    Your siberian husky should get one meal a day if adult ( 2 meals as puppy). Huskys don't require a bunch of food a day and I would say if he is over 70 lbs you should give him atleast 2- 3 cups of for a meal.

  15. Mental activities can sometimes be just as exhausting as physical activities. Try teaching your new dog things while you exercise him- for ex. you could try teaching him to fetch a Frisbee or weave between your legs, run obstacle courses..things to really make him think.

    Feed him as much as recommended on his dog food bag- it goes by age and weight- adjust accordingly to his life-style.

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