
Ok. I just turned 34 and I also just found out that my daughter who has just turned 18 is pregnant .?

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That means that I am going to be that G- word. Oh my God. Yes I am freaking because I had her very young and wanted better for her than that. She has already done better than me when I was young. I made alot of mistakes. She does not want this baby at all. But I would rather be the G- word than to have her do that. I even told her that my husband and I will raise the baby at least until she is old enough or responsible enough or she just decides to be the mother. But I am afraid that she will do something, and I can't stop her. I certainly don't look old enough to be a grandma. Even my 13 year old sons friends call me hot momma. But grandma? that is going to be difficult for me to handel. However I am willing to do that rather than to abort this child, if I can talk my daughter into a little sense. Advice please?




  1. everyone becomes a grandma at some doesn't mean that you cants me Hott still.

    and if i were you i wouldn't focus on you being hott and i would focus on making your daughters baby's life the best it can be

  2. hiii l noe l u feel l am 19 year old l have a son going to be 3  and the best thing  u *** her mother be there for her and help her on the way  and let her now u will allway be there with or with out baby  and l saying help her don't do it for her life is hard and being a teen mom is even hard  but   that her baby not ur and the same way u take care of her  she will do for her baby look at it like this  she was responsible  and  had s*x  so now  deal with  wat come with  out of have s*x  talk to her like  she is a woman not a child u  and  let her noe that u here to help her and thing will get better  good luck

  3. It's going to be a shock to your daughter right now, so don't be too surprised that she immediately wants to jump for an abortion. She may well change her mind in the coming weeks, and the best approach is to tell her to give it some time. Maybe a fortnight. During that time, assure her that you and your husband will back her up all the way, and that she will have 100% support from you both. Remind her that you had her young and you've enjoyed your life.

    Ultimately, though, it is up to her, and if she simply isn't ready yet, it's unfair to make her go through with something she doesn't want. It doesn't mean you will never get to be a G-Word...just not now. Let her make her own choice, but let her know that you'll be there for her no matter what she chooses.

  4. I think that you should give her the choice to do what she wants. I completely am against abortion, don't get me wrong. But I just think she will do what she wants no matter what.. But if you tell her "I'll take care of it until you are responsible enough BUT, it's your choice" maybe she might take a second look at it.. Just tell her that it is a BIG decision, and having an abortion will change things dramatically. Her emotions will go bazerrrk, miscarriages will increase.. so when she does plan to have a child, that abortion could take an effect.

    Just talk to her, and support her through whatever she does. But don't forget to tell her what you want her to do.

  5. She's 18...she needs to make her own decision.  If you sway her to keep the baby, she may resent you later.  You watch the news, you see the ugly things that happen to children because the mom kept the child and now can't handle the responsibility.  Let her make the decision to take the responsibility.  It will be easier for her to live with.

  6. First of all, please stop thinking about yourself first...I don't mean to be rude, but you of all people should know the toll this is going to take on your daughter, because you said you had her very early. Think about her, she's trying to decide wether to keep this child, and become a parent, let her mother raise the child, abort the child, or have the child and place it up for adoption. That takes such a huge toll on an 18 year old. She needs lots of support right now. Talk to her thoroughly about her options. The last thing I wanted my mom to say to me when I got pregnant at 18 was I'm not ready to be a was very hurtful to me. It sounds like you have a good relationship with her so just try and walk her through the steps. I understand not wanting her to have an abortion, so try and steer her in a different direction, you could look up the process of an abortion and go through the steps with her, she may change her mind. But mostly, the power or prayer works miracles. I hope everything works out. God Bless.

  7. Mother of two boys here,

    3 years and 3 monthes and i'm 23

    If she was old enough to have s*x than she is old enough to deal with what comes with it.!!!!!

    There is a life in her and she needs to grow up and deal with what she has done!!!!!!!!

    If she really dosent want the baby then find someone who will love the baby.

    Do you know how hard it will be to tell the baby. we reaised you untill your mom was ready, she ready now so off you go!!!

  8. As much as you may not want your daughter to have an abortion, it is her decision to make.  (Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with them either, but it's not your decision to make.)  You need to stand by her no matter what decision she makes and let her know that you love her unconditionally.  Don't make this about you, which it sounds like you are doing with all of your talk about being a 34 year old Grandma.  It is all about her and what she is going through.  Good luck.

  9. The choice is hers. If she decides to terminate the pregnancy, you need to be there for her. It's not an easy decision either way, and she doesn't need your guilt to make it worse.

    As for being a young grannie, that's what happens when you have your kids young. Chances were good that you'd be a grannie before age 40.

    Support your daughter and let her heart be her guide, not your guilt trip.

  10. Don't let your daughter commit murder.

    That is a tiny life inside of her. it's not about her anymore. if she was old enough to have s*x then she needs to deal with what comes with that. even if she has the baby and give him or her up for adoption, she needs to do the right thing.

    don't let her kill her baby.

    i just had my baby a week ago and im just turning 19. i had this same issue with my mom because i almost gave him up for adoption but i couldnt go through with it especially once i felt him first kick. he has saved my life and made me into a better person.

    allow this baby to save your daughter and be her miracle. save her from herself. you have the duty as her mother.

    good luck.

  11. Whether your daughter aborts or not is not up to you.

  12. well if my math is correct you had her when you were 16, guess you know how your mom felt now? lol

    On a serious note, unfortunately it is legal for her to get an abortion with out your consent if she gets a Judicial Bypass. The only thing you can do is educate her on abortion and let her know how hard it is going to be one on her body and two on her mentally. I am personally pro-choice, so i don't know how much i can really offer as to what to say to make her change her mind. Just let her know that you love her and will be there for her and the baby should she decide to keep it. Other than letting her know you are there to support her and the child I'm not sure there is much else you can do. Just give her time she might come around after the initial shock wears off.

  13. I'm confused. Is your problem that you're freaking out over being called grandma or you think your daughter wants to have an abortion? You equate the two as if they are of the same severity.  "But I would rather be the G- word than to have her do that" ....As if you having a problem being called grandma is so grandoise that your daughter would have an abortion over it.

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