
Ok I keep getting harassed even after getting a restraining order?

by  |  earlier

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I have a restraining order against a mechanic who damaged our car. We are in the middle of a court battle in which I am a witness. He has been harassing my by internet and mail even after I got the order. He doesn't use his name but sends things with the business name on them (hats, pictures, ect.) When I call the police they will come out and take whatever it is that I got in the mail, and then say that they can't do anything because he didn't put his name on it. I have heard that I have the right to at least have him arrested and brought in for questioning. Does any one know? Or what else can I do to get this to stop? It has been a big deal around here in the newspapers on TV ect. This has been happening with this shop for years I guess.




  1. Collect all the ranting evidence and Sue the Mother F !

    Or get a dog and buy a shotgun and tell him if he steps foot in your house, its all for him !

    Do what you got to do ...

  2. block his name

  3. you are assuming it is this guy. you never showed a single thread of proof.if he sends emails do not read them..there is nothing to get him arrested. again you are only assuming it is him.the police are not doing anything cause uoi have no proof.

    ------------retired texas deputy sheriff-----------

  4. Be mindful of your personal safety and that of all members of your family. You might consider hiring a private investigator.

  5. u better report to da police before he stalks u the rest of ur life o.O

  6. That sucks. Since he is not putting his name on it, I would either send things directly to the police or "return to sender" if it comes i the mail.

    I would try to stay away from him on the internet by using an alias in places you go online - which I assume you've already done. If he sends you emails, I would set up your email to send an auto-reply message to his emails (you can set this up with yahoo by domain) - you make it say something like "This is an automatic response: this email address is no longer in service." And don't respond to him ever! Good luck - sounds like a sucky situation!

  7. The point of a restraining order is so that if he doesn't stay away he gets arrested. Remind the cops about that and get his *** in jail.  

  8. I think you should get a CCW for your own protection first.  What good are the cops if shows up and does something before they get there or he follows you and you cant call the cops.  Plus, with you dispatching him when he stalks you, you save the tax payers money for not having to have a trial.  Other than that, good luck.  Cops are so tired of everyones problems that they can take care of themselves.  

  9. Just save up whatever it is he is sending in the  mail and bring it into court with you - don't even open up any of the envelopes or packages or whatever.   You could push to have him brought in, but without his name or proof it was him that sent it what do you expect the police to do?  Unless they want to spend precious resources checking the packages for his fingerprints or saliva that sealed the envelope (doubtful they'd do that), it's pretty much your word against his unfortunately.  Good luck to you in your court case, and hopefully the jerk will knock it off.

  10. o

  11. Youve tried it the legal way and what did you get?

    restraining orders do nothing,i mean they do but not when it really comes down to it,id go to the shop and i would try to call a truese.What ever it was you did to make him angry try to fix tell him that youll drop everything if he goes away.

    If he laughs it off,tell him that you can play the same game and you sure he has **** he doesn't want ppl to know.Id get bear mase and a cop baton and tell him if he keeps it up your not a p***y and there will be consequences,then id research the issues others have had with him and gang up and put him out of business,but that will anger him so be prepared.

    The safest thing to do though is ignore him,and get protection id tell everyone you know and just don't humor him by replying to him.Dont go anywhere he does and maybe he will drop it?

    This sucks for you but its the kind of thing we all have to deal with at one point in our lives,just think of every possible way it can go before you act.And be prepared,watch your back and whos around you,stay safe!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. If he has been served with the order, call the police and report him for violation of a restraining order.  The police will write a report and make an arrest attempt.  Most restraining orders state that the respondent cannot have contact through any medium.  Sounds like he is stalking you by sending you things with the logo on it, so you never forget him.  I would at least call the police, show them all your evidence.  They will take the evidence and package it as such for prosecution.  You can make a copy if you wish.  I know it's very small, but have you contacted the better business bureau about the damage?  Also, you can contact the Attorney General's office about the way that this business conducts themselves..

  13. Change all of your emails and usernames. Tell your mail man to stop accepting mail from this guy to you, tell him to not give you mail from something with out a name.

    Hope this helps :/

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