
Ok I know I have no clue! why does only one sperm enter your egg???

by Guest21300  |  earlier

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So we started trying this month and we started trying a few days before ovulation and then the day I was actually ovulating we tried a few more times. Now how does it all work??? I should remember this from biology at school but i have forgotten!




  1. Well trying a few times really isn't a good idea because 1- the sperm needs time to "rebuild" 2- you could possibly kill any strong sperm. Only one sperm can enter the egg because after it does the egg "locks" up.  

  2. What are you asking?  How does "all" what work?  I don't quite know if you simply mean the sperm and egg or the entire journey of fertilization and implantation.

  3. you can learn more about fertilization, ovulation and all this fun stuff at, and also ask doctors online for free for advice when ttc

    good luck!!!! and babydust!!

  4. As soon as a sperm enters the egg the outer shell hardens so that no other sperm can get through. In some cases though very rarely two enter at the same time.

  5. Having too much s*x when trying to get pregnant is not a good thing, believe it or not! It's an extremely complex process in one sense, because a high number of sperm are needed to surround the human egg prior to fertilisation. This causes a reaction in the outer membrane of the egg, which in turn causes it to soften (if you like) to allow the entry of one sperm . Once that one sperm has penetrated and fused with the egg, the outer membrane undergoes another change which generally doesn't allow more than one sperm to fuse with it. If the number of sperm is too low, the reaction needed to soften the outer membrane doesn't happen, so no sperm can penetrate.

    If you're trying to conceive, aim to have s*x every other day to allow the number of sperm to build up.

    Good luck.

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