
Ok I like to wear make-up but........

by  |  earlier

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I like wearing make-up but not to much, but the thing is i panic when i get a little in my eye. Can make-up do anything to hurt or effect your eye?




  1. no it wont don't worry. :]   it can cause irritation but nothing bad, because if it did they cant sell it.

  2. nope!  Most makeup is made to be okay for your eyes.  Be careful though if you wear contacts (like me) because it can be harder to get it out of your eye when you have a contact in the way. :-)

  3. the eye doesnt absorbe anything and i have gotten make-up in my eye a whole lata times. so i would be carful and stuff but it doesnt relly do anything  

  4. No!

    it wont hurt anything but if u do get it in ur eye and freak out just put it under some water and akll will be good

  5. It depends on what type of makeup you use.  It always says on the container somewhere.

  6. would they make eye makeup if it was meant to hurt you?? seriously think about it!!!

  7. Not unless you're literally pouring an entire bottle of liquid eyeliner into your eye, then you're safe. I like to use liquid eyeliner on the inside part of the eyelid, and sometimes it does get in my eye, you can gently wipe it off with a tissue, but most likely your tears will wash it out. Don't worry!! You'll be fine!


  9. your probably just allergic to something in the makeup your wearing, try non-allergenic makeup. (its easier to find than most would think)

  10. i ve been putting make up on for a few years already and i started wid eyeliner and mascara, it sometimes eatches my eye, however, it does not cause n e thing bad to it,  

  11. Not unless you share with some oen that has Something wrong with his/her Eye like PinkEye,,

    Other that that you should be fine

  12. no0 I don't think so

  13. I just want to let you know that makeup isnt made for your eye.

  14. Nope.  You will be fine, that's for sure.

    Thanks to all of the terrible animal testing, we now know which chemicals bother the eye, and which ones don't.  Sad, but true.

  15. unless there is some kinda of acid or poison in your make up, i wouldnt worry.

  16. as long as you don't use the really cheap kind you can find in some stores, it shouldn't affect your eye.  Eye make-up is typically designed so that it does not hurt your eyes...  I've been using eye make-up for years and when i got some in my eyes, aside from getting teary-eyed, i had no other effects

  17. its ok as long as you don't share it with other ppl or have contacts (they make it harder to get it out)

  18. eye makeup is designed to be gentle on the eyes, so don't worry about it! it is safe.

  19. hahahaaha ive got a friend liek that, nah dont worry. Remember its made for your eyes or it wouldnt be called eye make up or eye liner. :)

  20. no. they make the makeup so it won't harm you.

  21. no ha i do it all the tme it just hurts a little  you will be fine  

  22. Eye cosmetics are designed to be gentle on your eyes if just that happens.  The worst that will ever happen to you is VERY slight irritation if your eyes are sensitive.  That doesn't really seem to happen anymore though, and this is coming from someone with really sensitive eyes.

  23. If you're talking mascarra it will make your eye irratated...other than that i'm not sure but I'm going to say unless you seriously stab yourself in the eye with a masscara wand you'll be fine. :)

  24. i don't think so. i know that it's a huge hassle when you get eyeshadow or something on your contact, it's a pain to get it off without tearing it. of course, it's not super healthy but it won't blind you or anything. a word of advice: always take off your eye makeup before bed--if you sleep with your eye makeup on, it ages your eyes three times faster!

  25. Absolutely not. If the make-up gets in your eye your eye is designed to wash it out and it doesn't even hurt.  

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