
Ok I really need help, period??

by  |  earlier

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So I take krav (self defense) class and today I have a really heavy flow. I only wear pads because I just dont have tampons. But we have to do like army crawls and really complex stretches and situps and pushups ect ect. Im reallllly worried that I'll leak especially with the stretches. Please help what can I do!!




  1. Survival. tampon,pad and underwear.  

  2. Well if youre that worried then just go by some tampons and wear both tampon and pad. but if you really just cant get a tampon then wear a big pad and just pray it wont leak. but if youre still SUPER concerned and cant do either one of those things then try wearing a pad and like 2 or 3 paper towls (folded up) cause those are pretty absorbant.

    i know what it feels like when you think its going to leak:/

    but good luck:)

  3. use a tampon and pad or ask to go change in the middle of class

  4. Tell your teachers that your on your period.  

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