
Ok I scored 56 on asvab is OS a good job?

by  |  earlier

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I heard there's alot of watch duty with this job




  1. Good job is relative. It all depends on your interests. Do some research as to the duties that an Operations Specialist completes. In addition, you can retake the ASVAB if you want to try for a higher score. I'm not sure how long you have to wait (a few months at least I think), and there are ASVAB tutors that your recruiter can direct you to.

  2. 56 is ok. you should try to score a higher score tho. take a month to study and within 30 days of the previous test you can retest!! goodluck!! oh and right before the test drink and red bull and have a snickers. trust me it helps

  3. It all depends on what you like.  OS advancement is pretty good at least up to E5.  As an OS you will be aboard ship a lot however when a ship gets into a foreign port OS's are often among the 1st enlisted members off instead of having to stay aboard ship with most of the enlisted men until ALL maintenance is done.  There is a lot of watch duty usually involving 6 hours on and 6 off when at sea.  If you are someone who wants to work 8 hours a day and be done then you will probably not enjoy OS.  But if you enjoy working from 4 to 6 hours at a time then you will probably like it.  Also as an OS you will not have one job such as working on planes or watching sonar, you will have a broader work description that may include plotting the ships course one day to being an air traffic controller the next.  To be sarcastic but to the point if you have ADD and dont like doing the same thing everyday at the same time then you will love OS.  It truly is something that is not a good or bad job.  It is all about what type of person you are and what you enjoy doing.

    P.S. this web address may be of interest to you.

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