
Ok I think I saw a UFO last night was it a hoax or what?

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Ok Last Night I was about to go to sleep when I see a light appear in the distance. At first I think it is a star but then I notice there are a lot of lights that blink every 10 Mil seconds. I saw anther planes at night that blink but blink slower then this one. It was also very silent no noise. and i looked closer at it at I see it going straight up or down, loops, all types of stuff. 5 minutes later I see and hear military jets going toward they circle it then the jets go. it stays for another 10 minutes the leaves. What is it?




  1. Its not a UFO, because I dont believe they exist, there must be another explanation

  2. hoax

  3. The government is working on a lot of sophisticated aircraft and they don't mind if you think they are UFO's because they don't want anybody to know what they have.  I have seen some of the strangest things that are possible to see but then I live near Area 51 and something is always happening there.

  4. forget about it. the military has been very sloppy since they began experimenting  with that new kind of tech, and now every time they launch something, it goes way of course. are you near a base? well, anyway, the jets were talking to the pilot. forget about it, its no big deal.

  5. thats weird. idk

  6. ok!

    you see a demon!!

    if you do not believe me, read this!!


    ckeck this from the Our Lady of the Roses,Mother of God and our Mother

    "For the time has come when the most astonishing wonders will take place on the earth and in the air.... [Satan] will have great power over nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests...." - FROM THE APPROVED TEXT OF THE SECRET OF LA SALETTE


    "They are performing now prodigies and wonders to confuse and confound mankind. You call one of them the UFOs. They are supernatural manifestations from h**l. They are created in the minds of some by the demons, who are capable, because of great power upon earth, to control now the elements, nature." - Our Lady of the Roses, February 1, 1978


    "While We speak of agents of h**l, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets—extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of h**l in transport. Now you may ask, why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ah, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from h**l: Satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports.

    "There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it." - Our Lady of the Roses, November 1, 1985


    "In this final battle, there are many agents of h**l loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from h**l. They are only the false miracles of your times.

    "Recognize them, My children; they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls." - Our Lady of the Roses, December 24, 1973


    "Already satan is working his way into your consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from h**l. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands. While he remains hidden among you, he can go about and, like a ravenous wolf, gobble up My children as they fall from grace." - Our Lady of the Roses, June 18, 1978


  7. Light can be reflected over long distances. If there is some cloud cover if will reflect this light. It will also be moving as the light and the clouds align . I once saw a UFO right over my head. Large bright light slowly dancing  that turned out to be a squid boat. As they use a lot of light. It reflected off the ocean and on to the clouds above me. This boat must have been over 50km from me.

  8. Aliens from another planet !!!!!

  9. Your mind is playing tricks on you or it's that blunt you smoked.

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