
Ok. Jonas Brothers. I Need a viable reason why someone couldn't like them.?

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Haters, be specific. Because there has to be a reason. Are you jealous?




  1. I'm waiting for unique musical inspiration and not constant fast food music.

    Nice clothes though....

  2. Jealous? You are not using you head....

    Girls are establishing that the way a persons looks makes them more talented and more likable. When in fact they are being duped by marketing executives that have every little girl fooled. The coalition of the Jonas Brothers collective mindset has an IQ of 40....Their pontification is a justifiable reaction when the experiences of the many outweigh the assumable knowledge of the foolish.  

  3. cause the haters got no life...they go years writing the reasons why they hate someone(like the first lifeless person who wrote an anwser)

  4. Oh god,I'm so tired of the reason being jealous... you need to come up with something new seriously.

    Not into their type of music,and they're so severely overexposed for singers of their talent..i can easily name tons and tons of bands/singers hundred times more talented than them.

  5. Basically, i agree with the chick above me.

  6. If they are supposed to be band....(which they aren't) and they suck, isn't that reason enough not to like them?

    1. They are on Disney.

    2. They are pop and bad pop at that.

    3. Their fan girls are the most annoying things I've ever seen on the internet, literally EVER. They think we all must love them, and don't understand why we don't. THey call it rock when it should be illegeal to do so. Newsflash..I could less if anybody in the world likes my favorite bands.

    4. Their image is annoying... its a manufactured created image; this wholesome/purity ring thing that disney has created is annoying.

    5. They have a target audience which is tweens and young VERY young little girls.

    6. ANy band with that much merch is just not worth my time, they are in it to make money on everything and they are wining and sucking you. It all about money making, sheets, phones, dog tags, meet and greets, pants, shirts, book covers, pens....

    7. The one with diabetes is a baby. He whines about it like no other preson I know who has it, serisouly I know ike 5 or so people with it who don't complain or even talk about as much as he does.

    8. Their music is bland, musak, empty, souless, passionless; the first time I heard them I knew where the bridge and chorus would be; its very predictable and unexciting 'music'.

    9. The Jonas brothers are only famous because they are rich kids. They are sponsored by DisneyChannel for god sake, that shows how good they are. We can't let these pretty boy rich kid's music pass as rock.

    10. It's not at all rock, it bad pop plain and simple, its bubblegum and it lacks any substance lyrically or musically that I'm interested in. If you like that fine, but don't sit around wondering why I dont

  7. Wow.Its That All,Your Comebacks?Your Just Jealous?Never Hated Them.Dislike Them?h**l Yes!Its FanGirls Like u That Made Me Want 2 Hate Them.

    well here

    -They Cant Sing

    -They re ugly l don't give a f*** what Fangirls Say

    Stupid Annoying Brainwashed Fangirlsl Like U!

    -There Are Only It In It For The Money

    -When FanGirls Say Y Dont u Feel Sorry For Nick Jonas,because of his diabetes?there are many people in this world who have diabetes worse than him shouldnt we feel sorry for them 2 then?

    -THEY TRY AND BRAINWASH U!And Do A h**l Of A Good Job Of It.

    There..Now How The h**l Am L Jealous Of That?

  8. LMAO,jealous? ARE YOU SERIOUS????....

    1-.Disney (A.K.A. the Antichrist of marketing) is the one promoting them

    2-.Their songs are silly and i doubt they wrote them...

    3-.They dont really use the sense of music,i mean,they just repeat the same 3 or 4 chords in every song,when music is supposed to be filled of variety

    4-.They looks like g*y guys with those tacky "fashion" clothes

    5-.Their haircuts are emo-ish silly and *****

    6-.Lack of creativity in their lyrics

    7-.They call themselves a "band" when they only reach the stereotype of pop boys...they cant even be compared with the spice girls...the spice girls!!!

    8-.they are geeky guys

    9-.They believe that what they do is "LIKE the coolest thing in like...the freakin world!OMG!"

    10-.They make kids of over 13 or 14yo (and other older socially sick) silly and stupid

    you need more?

    you all kids need to learn of good classic rock,led zeppelin,pink floyd,the doors,the beatles,yes,any other band...their music is lousy,accept it and live with it...and sorry for pop off your lil' pink bubble of a life,but our comments are nothing but the truth...

  9. You fans are annoying and can't accept others opinion.

    I never hated them, but once I've gotten so many criticisms from you fans, that I can't help but hate them.

    So thanks.

  10. Couldn't have said it better than Anti-Spam

  11. I'm not a hater, but, I shall say why I don't like them.

    I don't like their music.

    Their fans are annoying.

    They are ugly, in my opinion.

    They are overrated.

    THE END.

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