
Ok LGBTs serious question this time.?

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So recently... this school year I have actually started to appear the way I have always wanted to. Like I dress the way I want now. Before I used to dress like a rapper, and I hated it because the only reason I did it was because it made me look like well manlier. I would hate shopping because I would always get stuff that I pretended to like but actually hated. SO this year I decided to disregard what people think and dress how I like. I am quite fashionable and people have noticed the transition. Like they are shocked and then say that I should be on Gossip Girl, which I guess is a compliment. So here is the question:

Have you ever experienced something like this were all of a sudden you don't care about the rumors and others opinions? (Ok I care about others opinions because if I didn't then I guess I wouldn't have deodorant, mouth wash, a tooth brush, concealer, hairspray and a comb in my backpack but different kind of care) Is this how you guys felt before coming out?




  1. Congratulations.

    You have become a man.

  2. When i was younger, i was stupid to let society tell me how to live my life. Now that i'm older and maturer, i live the way that I want to live and everyone else's opinions are just taken as compliments.  

  3. Men should dress to please themselves.  Period.  Nothing else works, and nothing else is fun.  And, by the way, nothing is manlier.  

  4. O yeah man. My thing that I tried to fit in was back in 7th grade. I actually tried to fit in to see what it was like and how things would change it was remarkable to see the transition. It was like people just hung out with me and liked me because I liked what they liked and changed how I dressed to fit them. Towards the end of the year I had had enough of that c**p and resolved to never ever change myself to suit the desires of others and I'm very adamant about that and will never change for someone else just because they say I should. I dress how I like and what I like to wear, I live how I want for the most part once I move out LOL, its my life and I will run it not someone else. Sometimes it takes people a long time to realize that and I'm happy you have man that's good to hear. Live for you and you alone **** what others think or may say live for you. I came out in the 10th grade though when I knew and understood how I was different but more importantly what I was called LOL. Any who before I came out I was feeling very rebellious as well, h**l I still do LOL.

    Like today I did some shopping and picked up things just for me and it was nice to actually have some decent modern clothing to wear that I haven't been wearing for the past 6-7 years. Yeah my wardrobe really needs updating but its hard to do that when you don't have any money!  

  5. same thing happened with me!!a few months ago,i would wear clothes that matched together and i never got tight clothes,and when i would walk in the street i wouldn`t look up from the ground and kept my left arm stuck to my side!!,but after i accepted myself,i got tight jeans,little black t-shirts,and a rainbow heart necklass.

    and since then i walk in the street smiling with my head up,h**l, sometimes i even jump a bit!!!the happiest days of my life!

  6. Yes for the first time in my life I don't care about what others think anymore I say what i want to say and do what i want to do and i have noticed that people don't do anything back..I don't no what i have been waiting for.

  7. I am 21 and I care so much what people say about me for now.. maybe I need to work in that.. I look like a g*y in the sense of mannerism. in my country mexico.. well for now.. I always say I don't care.. every girl has her own taste of man.. but it hurts me.. when people ask me or tell are you g*y? you like look a q***r. why don't you act like a man?

  8. haha okay so it's decided. we officially have to go shopping together. because my MOM decides what I wear.

    ...and we know how fashionable SHE is.

    Yeah, when I came out in MS to who I thought was a close friend (who ended up telling everyone) I tried dispelling it as rumors but after awhile I just stopped caring. I didn't admit it, but I didn't deny it either. I just let people think whatever they want to think. Plus, as long as you don't confirm it, they really have no substance. :P  

  9. Good for you! I've tried being people who I'm not and looking like somebody I'm not and it just doesn't work and is really uncomfortable. I have had so many nasty rumors since 3rd grade of me being g*y. So here in 8th grade, I basically don't  care anymore... I have lots of friends that treat me really well and I really don't care about the rest. I think that's great that you came out! I haven't had the guts to yet... :(  Congratulations!! :D

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