
Ok Last Night The Yankees Won And Red Sox Fans Are Overreacting, Anybody Agree?

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So There Were A Few Bad Calls, None Of Them Cost You Runs, So Whats The Problem




  1. At least the Sox don't intentionally try to hit batters (or bribe umps).

  2. In the context of Yankees v. Red Sox, with a power pitcher throwing behind the head of a batter who have a contentious history with each other!?  I'd say this is pretty tame.  So no they are not over reacting.  Who cares anyway?  Angels all they way!

  3. Im a Red Sox fan and they got lucky.

  4. red sox fans can complain and feel there were bad calls, but it was a pretty accurately called game, and there were just as many calls that went against the yankees as the red sox, if not more, they just don't realize them

  5. As everyone but Yankee fans have said I haven't really noticed any Sox fans overreacting...I think there were some bad calls but that happens in games and I know the Sox will be the benefit of bad calls in other games...the only thing I was upset by was that they didn't toss Joba...I know they won't, but I think the MLB needs to fine and suspend him...I love how he throws at Youkilis almost every chance he gets and the best excuse he can come up with every time is: I wasn't trying to hit him it was a coincidence...if anyone truly believes that its a coincidence I feel so sorry for you.

  6. Well Joba Chamberlain pegged Youkilis and they gave a warning to both Joba and Youkilis and they didn't put him on first base.  If that was someone on my team I'd be furious.

  7. Red Sox fans always complain it's their nature

  8. MY opinion: Yankees won.....redsox happy....the PLEASE people stop asking these dumb questions because it is just making the matter worse.....the game is over we got another one today and tommorow worry about those! I give up! Just be happy about getting the win or mad about getting the loss! No need to ask dumb questions about it people!

    JJ this wasnt directed at you so dont worry.

    EDIT: I was talking about the questioner....not Jennifer Jeter

    EDIT2: Wow I have to be the only one here who isnt bashing each other! Hence the 8 thumbs up! lol!

  9. Red Sox fans overreacting?  I didn't think they did. (sarcasm) Get over it already cause the Red Sox lost.  Another game today & if the Sox lose today, we will be waiting to hear the excuses

  10. yes jeez das how u need to look at it

    people fail to notice

    that baseball is a game of luck

    want an exaple?


    well idiot sports writers say oo well in 2007 the yankees were hitting .290 with risp and in 08 dere hitting .230 so they jus forgot how to hit


    its all about luck

    and througout the duration of a long baseball season ur luck will even out

    das why all of a sudden the yankees are getting timley hits

    calm down red sox fans

    you see dis is sumthing a red  sox cud never see cuz dere irational

  11. well mike lowell's strike out call was very bad and he will probably get suspended for arguing and if mike lowell hitis a homerun on the next pitch, the red sox win.

  12. Eh, Red sox fans are wierd that way. They have no class...

    LOL Pinstripes 08. I didnt think this was directed to me :-)

  13. Agreed.  There might have been some balls that were called as strikes, but Boston fans are conveniently forgetting that there were TWO very questionable calls at 2nd base that went Boston's way - and the Yankees players and fans aren't whining about those.  

    Also, I have always had a lot of respect for Lowell, but his temper tantrum last night pretty much destroyed that.  Now he just kind of seems like another hot-headed Red Sox player like Youkilis or Manny.  Really unfortunate.

  14. Red Sox fans fail to realize - if they switched sides with us, and they were ahead 1-0, they'd be telling us Yankee fans to quit whining that Beckett tossed a ball at A-Rod or Giambi and "simply made a mistake".

    Those fans are arrogant, classless and way hypocritical. h**l, did Boston even RECORD an extra base hit last night? I don't think so. Joba completely shut them down, and even if Lowell's third strike WAS a ball, there's no way Mariano Rivera is gonna let him walk on the next pitch.

    Red Sox fans need to stop complaining. Teams lose. They aren't God's gift to earth.

  15. Im not a Red Sox or Yankee fan but I watched that game last night.

    The only thing that anyone should complain about is what was Joba thinking when he almost beaned Youkilis in the head for the 4th time this year!

    Edit: You tell 'em Pinstripes! Go Brandon! LOL

  16. I havent seen any red sox fan overreacting on here or in person. Maybe its just you, and your yankee fans making a bigger deal about the win.

    And im not overreacting will win today anyhow, yes everyone who said they got lucky is right. THEY DID GET LUCKY.

  17. I Don't Agree, And I Think We Shouldn't Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word When We Are Trying To Argue.

    But I Think There Were Some Calls That Were Debateable, And I Think Jobba The Hut Is Not As Good As He Looked In The Game.

  18. There's no crying in baseball.

  19. i would agree with you completely. joba had a great night and our outfield played well there will always be bad calls and as you said last night none of them made a huge difference. to top off the night we got 2 great pick ups from the pirates.

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