
Ok.. Let me rephrase this.. Lol.. What is a good over the counter medicine I can use for yeast infection??

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Is there any that I dont have to INSERT into my v****a? I would never douche in my life.. Lol.. SO?? Is there any that I wont have to do that?




  1. I don't think you could get anything over the counter that you would not have to insert. I think a doctor would be able to prescribe pills.

  2. THERE IS AND you take it orally!!! You can get it at any pharmacy/ drug store!  I Love the Miracle Of "AZO" a Yeast Infection Pill!!!!!! A pill that does work, and allows you not to mess with all those messy creams. You have to read, and stick to the instructions. Not only does this pill treat yeast infections, but it also helps prevent yeast infections.  I have had many in a lifetime and let me just say it works. Now....if you have to use a whole bottle/carton and it doesn't take your yeast infection away. Then you should go to your Gyno. You might have a big infection that might need stronger antibiotics to kill. Until that point don't worry. Good Luck, and If I can answer any more questions please feel free to ask! Also, eat more yogurt that also helps prevent yeast infections and balance you out. If you want to learn about "AZO" google it, and it will take you to their website.

  3. There is nothing that you don't have to insert.

    OTC Yeast Infection medication is no different than using a tampon, except it is cream or it is a suppository thing that releases cream. Douching is never a good idea unless your doctor tells you to do it. Doing this will actually cause yeast infections. Douches are NEVER used to TREAT yeast infections.

    There is a pill, but only a doctor can prescribe it. You should see a doctor anyway, just to make sure it is a yeast infection that you have, and not something else. It's also a good idea to get something from your doctor rather than OTC, because, quite frankly, those ones SUCK. They don't do much, and you'll end up in your GYN's office anyway.  

  4. Monistat had been around for many years.

    It is an applicator with medicine.  You just have to wear a pantie liner with it.

    Most meds are similar with an applicator

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