
Ok Obama was a community organizer so that makes him a great candidate for president?

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You know I once was in charge of a neighborhood watch. And then I read the numbers out loud for a bingo night club for senior citizens. So how far do you think that would get me.

Cmon at least VP!




  1. No he was a senator. Are you a senator? You know people like you practically FORCE me to vote for Obama.

  2. obama would not make a great president

  3. Hmmm, community organizer, professor, lawyer, constitutional scholar, state senate for 6years, US sentator for 3years and beat the most powerful namebrand in the democratic part -- the clintons?  

    You serious?

  4. Passion & Compasion

    A Heart &  A Brain

    Hands On Leadership Works too

    I changed a Starter on my car once

    Never knew how to but once

    I got under the car looked around I figured it

    The right tools near by helped

    Oh yea and new mom's do it all the time

    Some turn out to be good,very good,The Best.

  5. oh my goodness, u would think b4 u came on here and posted a question like this, u would have done some research!

    get off Q&A and go look up Obama's accomplishments.. and all the wonderful things hes done being in office..

  6. Obama was a racist. That will make him a worst candidate to every American citizens who love their country.

  7. people can give themselves any title they like, but it's the deed that counts.

    and if Obama is a constitutional scholar, how come he's not aware of the right to free speech?  why is he threatening news stations with legal action if they air the Ayers ad?  is he for censorship?

  8. You're oversimplifying things a bit, aren't you?

  9. Most of the corruption in Alaska politics was cleaned up by Gov Palin. How's the Chicago Daley machine these days after Obama cleaned up corrupt Illinois politics?

  10. Get elected to the state senate and have them put your name as the sponsor of bills you did not write.  Then get elected to the US senate and begin campaigning immediately for the presidency.  Somewhere in there get chummy with a terrorist, a racist church and a criminal.  Have that criminal arrange a sweet deal for your house.  Write a couple of books, give lectures on something you obviously don't understand (the constitution) and generally do nothing of any importance.

    Nothing to it.  Just follow those steps.

    Oh yeah, become a Deity that overrules the holy trinity.

    If that sounds like too much, how about speaker of the house.  No one could be worse than Nancy of the Pelosiboro.


  11. She ran a town and a state. Obama or Biden have never run nothing.  Biden has lost 3 presidential runs.

  12. In these dangerous times after 9-11 and with Russia flexing its muscles, the USA would be in danger if Obama took office as an internship program on how to be President. The nation needs McCain right now without a doubt.  

  13. That's why the president has a cabinet. They are there as advisors to the president. I think maybe we would be much better off having a total newcomer for a change. It's time we try something different. The old school people just can never get things done. Even the congressmen and women should be newcomers for a change. They are all on the take and the big money concerns keep buying their support at the expense of the common man (and woman).The best traits for a president should be intelligence, honesty, decisiveness and a cool head. GOD bless our troops but being a good soldier doesn't prepare you for the presidency either. The news is reporting that Palin used her political position and clout trying to get her sister's ex husband fired as an Alaska state trooper but to no avail. Is that really the type of person we should want to have in a position just a heartbeat away from holding the most powerful position in the world? Just another corrupt power weilding individual.

  14. Don't forget that Obama also won a senate race by default.

    Some liberals seem to be confused on one thing: McCain was in the Navy, not the Army.  It's not entirely your fault.  Bidens also thinks McCain was in the Army.

  15. Obama was also a state and national senator.

    I would equate the question too, "McCain was in the Army, so he should be president?"

  16. So Palin's good at being a backwoods beauty queen, and that qualifies her for VP how?  

  17. I agree with Miss Scarlet 100%.

    It's not a good idea to throw stones when your house is made of glass.

  18. He went to Harvard Law too. I bet you didn't know that B4, hey...


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