
Ok Peru here I come!!!! But I need some tips, please.?

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I have decided on Peru after much research & thought about where I wanted 2 relocate 2 get myself together(the american way is killing my spirit, if that makes any sense) N e ways my first thought is 2 settle in Lima, I dont want too much culture shock (im used to big cities) but at the same time the weather has me worried(rainy overcast during winter). I plan to move late September & my intentions are 2 go through a volunteer organization that places me in a host family home & I help out at orphanages. But I long 4 a more tropical environment, which I hear is up north Piura. How can I get the big city feel (i love to dance, Im a big club person) but at the same time the country sit back and relax on the beach atmosphere? I dress like a NYer(pretty much my own style) whatever my mood feels like is how I dress, will that be a problem? Also what is so great about Peruvian food? Im a CubanJamaican & I think I've tasted some pretty wonderful seafood so is there going 2 be a big difference?




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  2. The weather in Lima during the winter is not that bad, and we HARDLY have rain in the coast so don't worry about that. Late September will be great as we will be near spring time and the sun will start shining. Piura is not that tropical, it is very much a desert but with some nice beaches. Lima is full of beaches and you can ejoy a wonderful hot weather from December to April.

    Lima is a modern city and people dress as any other big capital of the world, you will blend easily as we are not judgemental and we embrace diversity.

    But let me tell you that the best food I've ever tasted is Peruvian!!! We have 4 natural regions here (sea, coast, highlands and jungle) which provide us with thousands of seafood, fish, meat, poultry, vegetables and fruits all year round. The best restaurants in many places right now (like Santiago or Bogota) are peruvian restaurants. We have such a variety of spices and food that it's very tasty. If you are a NYer then you must know the trendy restaurant Nobu. well, Nobu (the chef) lived years in Lima where he trained as a chef and then incorporated most of the peruvian recipes to his dishes. There are loads of peruvian influence in restaurants all over the world. But here in Lima, dining is very cheap compared to other cities. And you will find plenty of frejoles and cuban type food to enjoy.

    Lima has many nightclubs, pubs, discos, which are great but the best thing is that you have places to relax not far from Lima and having 4 natural regions in the same country will give you a variety of places to visit.

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