
Ok R&P lets try this Chain thing again....?

by  |  earlier

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you know how it works:

someone might say "love me do" and then you might answer "do it"

This better not be a train wreck like last time...

I'll start: Bullet with Butterfly Wings- Smashing Pumpkins




  1. aww I just posted a chain question beat me to it! lol

    Day After Day- The Pretenders

    sorry for the holdup

  2. edit

    Hurry I'm off to bed shortly

  3. edit

    thats a good song

  4. Wings of Tomorrow- Stratovarius

    lol did i just get 2 TU's for an "edit"?

  5. Wings Of Despair - Kamelot

    Oh, that was for yours. But I'll do it again for the one above.

    Hey! I'm waiting on the person above me. If I'm doing it wrong, then yes, do ignore me.

    No problem mate. =)

    Day-In Day-Out ~ David Bowie

  6. Edit....

    Taylor should have gotten to do it over again first I think

    Pull out Your other four accounts and TD Me some more Paperbag.


    You could build the Great Wall of China waiting on one of these deals huh?

    Is the paint dry yet?

  7. I can't think of any song with Despair, so you might skip me.Sorry for the waiting...

  8. I hope you have more luck than I did...


  9. edit

    Tomorrow is another day- the satelitters

  10. Edit.

    Hopefully this won't take as long.

    The problem with these games is that people are so slooow. Haha.

  11. Edit.

    I'll try my best to stay on here, but if I ruin the game, I'll delete my answer when i get back and carry on without me.

  12. Edit

  13. Maybe we shouldn't do these during heavy-traffic times? They seem destined to fail. It's a cool idea, but with so many people jamming in to answer... just seems impossible.

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Latest activity: earlier.
This question has 13 answers.


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