
Ok. So, the only thing I got out of this speech by Palin was...?

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McCain fought for us in the war.... and Obama didn't!

Huh? Is that the only reason why I shouldn't vote for Obama... because was 2 years old when the Vietnam war started and couldn't fight for his country? I'm sooo lost.

What did you guys get out of this speech?




  1. you have some sort of attention deficit disorder?

  2. She nailed the speech and has more ethics in her little finger than HUSSEIN OBAMA has in his whole body !!

  3. Palin made a great speech.  The best from a Republican I have ever heard.  

  4. I love how you Democrats want more substance when I can sum up Obama's speech right now um.. change, we need change, I will bring change.  Doesn't get more vague than that.

  5. I got that she is tough and the Dems are running scared. Forget the VP, she could be President!. Blows Obama OUT of the Water!!

  6. She cut big, irresponsible spending (the private jet, the private chef) in Alaska, and she will do it for the whole country, as well.

  7. What are you talking about no class?  She has more class than most of you freakin liberals can even dream of having.  She stopped corruption in Alaska, and will do so in Washington, and has more experience leading than both Obama and Biden combined.  She started small and worked her way up with class and dignity and will work for the small business owners.  She is probably the most qualified VP candidate that he could have chosen.  Both McCain and Palin stand true to their morals and don't flip flop in their beliefs unlike the filthy liberals that are on the Democratic ticket.

  8. McCain/Palin should be elected this November and Barack Obama and Joe Biden are nothing more than fancy talking, tax raising, "flashes in the pan" and come November they will be sent back home where they can continue to talk & talk with no real records of any true action! The tables have turned and Obama/Biden will be exposed for exactly what they are....talkers.....John McCain is a doer, he's put his life on the line for all Americans and his VP pick of Palin was brilliant as she is more than qualified to be in that position! What a refreshing Republican ticket...this shall be our next elected government come November 2008! What an honest, quality person for John McCain to have selected, this action only renews my faith in his ability and leadership I am back voting Republican this November! Obama/Biden are history!

  9. LOL ^ yeah the only thing I heard was Obama bashes and cutting the spending on a private jet. Way to go Palin :|

  10. That's what I also got out of the speech. She said the same thing over and over again I cant wait for the debates because Biden is going to call her out on all her lies. And I said no thanks to the big boys...correction you said yes she keeps lying it's sicking. Sorry to say it but this lady needs to go back to Alaska and take care of her family.

  11. I don't think you listened to the speech.

    Here are some major points:

    1) Obama was a community organizer.  McCain has already fought for your freedoms and will continue to do so.

    2) Obama gives a good speech about change.  McCain has a track record of making change.

    3) Obama flip flops.  McCain will do what is best for the country even if it loses him votes.

    4) Obama disses one group to another.  McCain is a straight shooter.

    5) Obama has no experience.  McCain - please!

    6) Obama has never authored a bill.  McCain works with both sides to author bills all the time.

    7) Obama votes "present" while McCain has made tough decisions.

    8) Obama would raise taxes across the board.  He wants bigger government, higher taxes and more government programs.  McCain believes the government is too big already and would cut taxes.

    9) Obama would pull our troops out when victory has come into view.  McCain will stay until the job is done.

    10) Obama offers style while McCain offers SUBSTANCE.

    Those are just a few of the salient points she made.

  12. I did not get anything, but more about her family.

  13. Just wait till the public actually gets a chance to address Sarah Palin, without Fox News protecting her... LOL

    She has no class. All she did was rip apart Obama - never really telling me what she and McCain would do to better our economy, educational system, or deficit. She has no class. With all the **** thats going on with her right now, she should be one to talk....

  14. 1. Obama wants to raise taxes

    2. Obama wants to expand government and make it bigger

    3. Obama has not run a thing

    4. Obama insulted Palin for being a mayor of a small town

    sorry can't pull an all nighter here

    wanna know something I got out of this question?

    "true patriot Obama 08"

    Why not just post a question to bash Sarah Palin?

    Better yet, why not get some hearing aid?

  15. I thought it was interesting that the liberal CNN just said Palin "hit it out of the park."  And the liberal Chris Matthews called her "a torpedo"

  16. You only heard what you wanted to hear.

  17. I got a whole lot more out of it. My father died in Vietnam a couple of weeks after my third birthday by the way. I volunteered and served from 1983-89 in the Army reserve myself. She is correct in pointing out that Obama has never volunteered to serve in our military. That was just a small part of her over 1 hour speech. The main thing I got from her speech was that Obama has little experience at all compared to her and John McCain and the fact that he will tax America into bankruptcy, not prosperity. Which is true also.  

  18. She's toast after the debates.

  19. That guided missile at the Obama campaign sailed right over your head, didn't it?

    That was a direct hit at the Heartland of America and the battle is joined.

    You are clueless.

    You can save yourself the trouble of voting for Obama.

    It's over.  

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