
Ok. So. I have braces and I've broken like 7-8 brackets in like 5 months.. is that normal or am I just like a?

by  |  earlier

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bad take care-er of braces. They just seem to be broken all of a sudden though. I dk.




  1. kind of depends on your orthodontist and how long you have them, really.

    for example, in my first year or so of braces i broke more brackets then i thought ever possible. but as time went on, things got easier. :]

    now, if you've had them for awhile but they still keep breaking i would suggest you just watch what you eat... or bump into (lol).

    i hope i helped, and good luck!


  2. in my two years of wearing braces i had never broken any brackets.

    so you may be a little rough on your braces or doing the opposite of what your orthodontist is telling you to do.

  3. I've had my braces on for almost 2 years now and I've never broken any brackets. Idk what's wrong with yours. It's probably your Orthodontist's fault...

  4. i think ur braces just decided to collapse, like my house!

  5. duude

    i had braces for 3 years and never broke a braket

    u should seriously go to ur dentist

    cos with out the braket the braces aren't doing their

    jobs properly

  6. I bet it's a combination of two things: Your orthodontist SUCKS at placing them correctly on your teeth and allow them to adhere;(what if the cement they use sucks?) and you're not being as careful as you should be. When I had braces, i only broke 2 brackets the whole two years.

  7. Haha, I'm guessing you're eating a lot of hard foods. I have braces too, and I've broken only one bracket before in around a year and a half. So you should reeeally think about eating the right foods and everything..

    Either that, or your ortho has cheap brackets. xD

  8. i def think your just a

    can you help me please???

  9. No I think you're fine- I got braces about 6 months ago and plenty of my brackets have come off. It might just be the type of braces or if you grind your teeth at night- when you first get braces you often play with them with your tongue without realising- it could just be that. Ask your dentist.

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