
Ok So im homeskooled....?

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and all of my friends are going 2 there skool dances and all that stuff, is there any thing like that for homeskooled kids or how do i get 2 do it with them????? please Help




  1. your friends should be able to get guest passes for their school and you could go with them.  Just ask them if it is an option

  2. Don't you have a homeschool coop that does dances or activities?  The local coops here dog daddy/daughter balls each spring.

  3. im sure that your local boys and girls club or apl offers something like that. If you know anyone who goes to the dances ask them to take you.

  4. id say transfer to a public school

  5. Usually home schooled groups where I live get together and have their own. If your parents belong to a home school support group, have them see if others are interested.

    Otherwise, you would need to go with a junior or senior from a public school - maybe someone you know from church or some other community function.

  6. Boys and Girls clubs, Community centers, Youth Centers, and other Parks and Recreation programs in most cities usually hold dances and the like a few times a year or for certain holidays or events like valentines day or local festivals (Strawberry festival, Harvest Festival, etc)

    There are also homeschool organizations. Are you/is your family a member of a homeschool support group or co-op? If not, do a google search for "homeschool groups <your state>" and get involved in your local group. These groups offer A LOT to homeschoolers... feild trips, group classes in special subjects, parties, end-of-year trips to theme parks, service projects, curriculum fairs, science fair, clubs, graduation night, and of course... DANCES. Even Prom for some! And from what I've seen they usually don't have a problem with homeschoolers inviting friends to come as guests.

    You can also see if one of your friends can get a guest pass for you to attend the dance with them. Nearly all schools that have dances also allow for guests to come with students if the guest is under 18 (usually) and if certain forms are signed. Usually they will say that the guest's principal has to sign the form, but since you're homeschooled, your mother's signature and maybe a polite note or phone call from mom explaining the situation (that you're homeschooled and therefore she is legally responsible for your schooling...your principal, and that she'll accept any responsibilities that a guest's principal would otherwise have to accept) should be enough. Then just give your friend money to buy your ticket for you in school.

  7. I'm sure you can ask their school they go to if you may attend, they let people go to proms, Ect. Who don't go to that particular school....Just contact the school office and find out more information....

  8. Your home schooling sucks.

    Can you really not spell "school" ????


  9. ahh...i was homeschooled, and hated it lol...

    but then i went to a private school for highschool and they didnt even dance :) haha.

    There are homeschool co-ops that have banquets/formal sort of events but to be honest, its not like the real thing :( It won't be like a public school dance because homeschool groups set higher standards and I guess they feel it's not something homeschoolers should do....I disagree though.

    You can go to a friends dance if they invite you :)

    My advice, homeschooling has it's pros and cons, I always thought more cons and pros personally, but make the best of it! Do what you can do stay involved with people and events, and it'll make it easier!


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