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I am sorry to any-one that doesn't find these questions suitable but do you believe god real? Do you believe in heaven and h**l? Do you believe in life after death? And what really happens when you die? What do you Believe in?




  1. Yes, I believe that God is real, that there is a heaven and a h**l like the Bible teaches, that there is life after death and that when you die you either go to heaven or to h**l depending on whether you accepted Christ as your saviour or not. I believe in the Bible and that it is the inspired word of God without error.  

  2. No.  No.  No.  You're dead.  Myself, my family, my friends, my country, and the world.

  3. I do beleive in God.  I also believe in heaven.  I sort of believe in h**l.  I think that only a tiny amount of people go there and it is still better than earth, but it is h**l because you don't get to live with god.  I do believe in life after death because I believe that Christ saved us all from death- all of us- Christian and not. I am not sure what happens when we die.  I just hope that I get to hold my baby girl again.

  4. Hello. I believe in a God to God-like figure. I believe there is something of the sort. I believe in existence after death but not necessarily life. I don't know what Really happens when you die. I believe in a power that humans can not and will never understand. Good bye.

  5. Well, I think that ever single living person has pondered this idea, and you are not the first, nor will you be the last person to wonder about God, Heaven, h**l, and the afterlife.  

    That being said, I have been down this road so many times in my life, it isn't even funny anymore.  I went from believing in God and Jesus, because that's what my mum believed, to believing in nothing at all, because that's what seemed "cool" to believe in society, to finding out that God does exist and believing in it, not because people told me to, but because I realized it for myself.  

    I think that understanding God takes time, patience, maturity, and understanding - - all of which usually take place after a person has been an adult and has experienced life's trials.  After having been sued for half a million dollars, having a near-death experience, accidentally hitting my car head-on into a concrete bridge and living to tell about it, and having seen the true power of nature, experienced visions that have come to pass (dreams that have really come true), and seeing things that have utterly amazed me, I can honestly say that I do believe in God.

    However, my beliefs vary from the Bible, even though I believe in Christ's miracles.  Having experienced a near-death experience, I have seen the other side.  The other side is made of pure energy, and words and thoughts are not spoken, but rather are simply passed from one soul to another.  And people there return to a physical presence, without disabilities or physical ailments at all, to what their bodies were like as young adults.  It is amazing, and I would have never believed it had I not seen it for myself both in visions and my near-death experience.

    It's perfectly normal to have doubts about one's beliefs, as what exists beyond truly defies the current limitations of logic as mankind currently understands it.  However, just as there are colors of light that mankind cannot see with the eye, such as infarred or ultraviolet blue (on a spectrum of ROYGBIV), mankind cannot fully understand or completely appreciate the soul, God, and all that which mankind cannot see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.  

    Enlightenment is a lifelong process --  Enjoy the journey.

  6. I don't know what happens when you die, but I do believe God is real. He is the supreme being, the creator, and the start and finish of it all. I believe in God because I pray, and those prayers are answered, maybe not directly, but sometimes better than I expected or wanted. Even if you do not believe in God, His words of wisdom will help you in life. God's word is something everyone should follow, therefore making the world a better place, and you yourself a better person. God inspires me to do everything I want to do, and be everything I want to be.

  7. I believe that God is not some bearded old man sitting on a throne somewhere in the sky.  I believe that God lives in each person, consequently God is very real to me.  I believe that by our actions we make our own heaven or h**l here on earth.  I do believe in a life after death, but not some kind of heaven with angels strumming on harps all day or some kind of h**l where people roast in flames for eternity.  I don't know what happens after a person dies.  None of us really does since death is a one time experience which we have not had yet.  I believe that it's a very good idea to be nice to people.

  8. I believe in a God, of some sort. I don't know what form he comes in or what you'd exactly call him, but yes, I do think their is a supreme being out there. I believe in haven and in h**l, but my ideas of heaven and h**l alter from some others. **I respect all opinions but this one happens to be my own opinion** I don't believe you go to heaven or to h**l because you choose to accept Christ as your savior or not or if you believe in God or the latter. I believe you go to heaven or h**l, depending on the quality of life you lived on Earth. By quality I mean if you were a good person, that pretty much abided the ten commandments, because they are simple rules in life.

    But I don't think God judges you based by how you followed the ten commandments, but under what circumstances you broke them. I don't think God would punish a mother who stole medicine or food for her baby, if she took only what she needed because she HAD too.

    I think God, accepts all and that sometimes there are certain exceptions made, because out of mere need. I know some are more strict about their ideas about God's acceptance, but I wasn't raised in a highly religious family--I was raised by ethical parents, with a good moral compass who gave the same to their children; which is the basis too good religion.

  9. I believe there is a supreme being. Being who ever that is. I do believe in Heaven and h**l and life after death.  

  10. Wrong category!

  11. This question should be in the Religon & Spritituality section. But I don't believe in God, or heaven and h**l. However, I do think that there may be life after death. I believe in ghosts, so that would logically mean that there is something after death. Maybe not a heaven or h**l, but some sort of consciousness. I'm an agnostic.

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