
Ok. What to do.?dbshfkdsbgffhy?

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Ok well I want to get 3 ghost catfish

5 zebra danios.

and 2 platys

2 red fined sharks. I think thats bout it.



What size tank should I get?




  1. Forget 2 red tail or rainbow sharks (this is what yours are).  They will fight and one may kill the other.  The others should be fine.  

    I'd recommend at least a 20 gallon tank, and 5 of the catfish, at least 6 danios, and unless you want an overcrowded tank, either male or female platies, not both. And of course, one rainbow shark.

  2. Only 1 Red-Tailed Shark. 2 will fight amongst each other, unless they're male and female (which I doubt will happen).

    But for 1 RTS, 5 Zebra Danios, 3 Ghost Catfish, and 2 Platies, I think a 30+ gallon with plenty of hiding spots (for the RTS and/or Ghost Catfish) would do fine.

    E-mail me for any questions!

  3. defiantly don't do 2 redtails.

    They are highly aggressive to each other and one WILL get killed.

    Ghost cats should probably be in a school bigger than 3 and have special feeding requirements.

    I'd say a 30 is fine if you keep up on waterchanges.

    If you really want 2 redtails look into a tank well over a hundred gallons, due to the large territories they have.

  4. you need 6 glass catfish

    and 6 danios as they need to school

    30 gallons is probably ok

  5. ... a big one

  6. erm a middleish size one lol

    not 2 big coz u wont be able to notice the fish but if its too small

    the fish will be sqaushed and maybe die  

  7. 40g the sharks need room to swim.

  8. Why dont u shift your house instead to somewhere close to an Ocean ;)

  9. the best size for it would be a 30 gallon fish tank. i have right now a 30 gallon fish tank with 4 guppies,6 danios, and 5 mickey mouse platys

  10. About a 2.5-3ft would be fine!

    If you think you wanted to add more though later on opt for a 4ft

    Plenty of room for plants and rocks etc

    To be honest you can never have a tank thats too big, i would say a 3ft x 1ft x 1ft is perfectly fine though for what you want, that holds around 22 gallons, remember dont fill to the top, leave an inch!

    p.s you can get 2 silver sharks but not 2 red tail ones, i honestly suggest you speak to an assistant who will guide you which fish get on with which fish!

  11. you could probably just cut it with a 10 or 15 gallon...but what i would recommend a 20 gallon...that way the fish would have lots of room to move around and plenty of space for decorations...if the tank is too small you may have territory problems..  

  12. I'd say like a 30 gallon! usally the rule is 1 gallon for every inch of fish you have. (ex.13 fish that are 2 inches long, you would need a like a 26 gallon tank)

  13. I would say about a 125 liter tank (30 gallons) would be perfect!

    you can get the roma fluvel 125 liter in walmart and petco.

    I have one and they loverly tanks!

    in my tank i have 3 angel fish 1 blood parrot cichlid and 2 clown loachs and a common plecostomus.

  14. You shouldn't go any smaller than a 55 gallon tank.  

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