
Ok a little help please.?

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i think im sick. so a about 2 yrs. ago i had to go the hosiptal b/c i had cysts that ruptured and i couldnt stop bleeding at the time i had extreme fatigue always dizzy so on and so on i had to get about 5 transfusions it took about 3 days ....(im 14 btw) anyways scince then im always fatgued , dizzy when i stand up, i dont want to be gross but most of the time i eat my stomach get extremely upset and i usually end up getting diahreah , and i noticed that my skin has a yellowish tint... ohh and my i have really bad joint pain... the only reason im concerned i tend to have a lot of promblems with my help




  1. OK not being a doctor my first suggestion would be to get your butt to your doctor or a health clinic! where is your mother? sounds like a couple of things could be going on....or one giant thing that is coming out with different types of sickness.....ok your definitely anemic.....and that would be checked by a simple blood test...meaning your blood count is low and needs more Iron and/or more blood transfusions....however you could also have Lupus or Lyme disease...that would be the achey bone part careful of aspirin..those things make your blood thinner and won't clump when you bleed...stick to Tylenol only!...ok the yellow NOT GOOD AT ALL....that means something is going wrong with your liver which filters all your crappy bile in you...if its not working correctly it backs up and thus your natural poisons can't get out...VERY SERIOUS!...yellow could mean hepititis too...there is the very bad HEP and the not so could be just from eating something like those bad tomatoes and hot peppers they have been talking about across the would get sick..stomach ache...possible headaches..want to throwup plus diarrhea...then there is the bad HEP..say from contact with open cuts with someone who got it through say unprotected s*x.....that will make your liver sick need a liver you only have one...don't mess with this..go to the doc for a quick blood test....joint pain could be juvenile arthritis..or your body missing something it needs like potassiun or not enough calcium or a million other things. or part of the Lupus or Lyme or anything else I don't know about!...and diarrhea can be because you ate something bad...(like the tomatoes) and have e.coli..which people get from eating food say at a Buffet that wasn't watched good enough or someone making it who is sick or wiped their butt and didn't wash and then tocuhed the food or picked their nose!!!  gross stuff but it happens...that's why it is really important to always wash your hands...oh and one bad thing too woul dbe you got blood that was contaminated with something>.although the past 10 years hospitals are very carefully usually checking to see if the blood people are donating is good....and another haven't been near anything poisonous have you? anyone spraying bug spray near you..or something got into your food?..well the list goes on and on but get yourself checked and remember to ask about some of the things i listed...some doctors brush everything off but remember THIS IS YOUR BODY YOUR LIFE! deserve an answer..and as I already stated if your mother hasn't done anything yet and hasn't seen your color then wait til school starts and talk to the school nurse.. if you just had diarrhea after you ate and nothing else then I 'd say you had IB..irritabel bowel...some people get constipated when they eat but most people get diarrhea with IB..scientist think it's because the nerves in our stomachs that help push the food through overreact too much too butterflies in your stomach..,.thus the need to go...there is medicine for that.....also do you get pain in the middle of your chest after you eat...or pain in your back...that could be the gallbladder that cleans and filters along with the pancreas..before going to the liver...they all do the same basically...

  2. I think u need to see a dr, not ask a bunch of teens on summer vacation what to do. uhm

  3. no relation to Language section

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