
Ok a question for the people on the roads of Wales??

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do you have any idea of road laws at all?? I live in a small ex-mining town in south wales and some of the driving i have seen out on the roads today is an absolute joke!!! Twice i have had to hit the anchors because someone has decided that they are coming through no matter what, despite the fact that I had right of way!!! Someone on the A470 refused to get over despite the fact there was plenty of room and people were trying to join the carraigeway (myself included)




  1. From what I have read they have the worst and harsh laws not only for driving but for drugs as well.

  2. Bad, thuggish and inconsiderate drivers are not confined to Wales

  3. There are bad drivers in all countries

  4. Driving on motorways and in small town/villages is very very different.  I drive to Glamorgan and use the A740 (they still got roadworks everywhere up there?) from the tip of Cornwall three times a year. I notice a real change in peoples driving once they have left the A30 single and duel carriage ways and get on to the M5 (Exeter) Three lane driving is an experience in it's self. Idiots can be found in all situations you just have to realise they are there and take appropriate action. Down here it's mirror signal manoeuvre, I feel it's more like,  manoeuvre and hope,on the M roads it's frightening for everyone.  I  really do sympathise with you, I find it hellish in the summer down here when holiday makers crawl around doing 45 mph on the open road. We call them the "45ers" cause they do the same speed all the time in 30   and 40 mph areas.  But wait,what if they see a bend up ahead in the road? they slow to  *ucking 20 mph.  If the road narrows even slightly and  you're  coming the other way, they slam on their brakes and stop somewhere near the hedge.  They can't go backwards prob don't even know where reverse is.  They just sit there and hope we can squeeze through the gap.  The other thing that gets my goat is the ones who think they have a god given right to plow through regardless and not so much as a nod of thanks.  Caution, Courtesy and Control to be used equally don't you think? Safe driving !

  5. *LOL*

    Have you ever driven on the M62???

    It's 'prepare to die' time on there!!!!!!

    All the drug dealers from Manchester goin' nuts in their BMWs!!!!!

  6. You must have been unlucky for we use the roads through mid Wales frequently and have suffered only occasional  problems. We sometimes experience a bit of excitement on the mountain road between Newtown and Llandrindod Wells but this usually involves motor cyclists who appear to use the road as a race track. Most of the bad driving we experience is on the A470 between Merthyr Tydfil and Cardiff Centre where some drivers seem to adopt rules from a Highway. Code no one else has heard about.

  7. Getting over for those entering a roadway is not law in most locations,  but a courtesy extended by other drivers in the interest of safety.    It is still the responsibility of the party on the ramp to ensure they are getting up to speed,  that there is a opening available to them,   to maintain proper look-out,  and to use signals.

  8. There's bad driving everywhere Micheal. I try to avoid the A470, especially into Cardiff.

    For some real fun, try the A40 near Brecon!

  9. I moved to Wales from Yorkshire 10 years ago for work and stayed here. Initially, I did notice that the drivers in Yorkshire were more courteous and less aggressive than here in Wales but I have now become used to it. I think that if anything, my own driving has improved as a consequence as I now drive more defensively.

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