
Ok are these funny i have just received these by mail personally think they are not that funny do you agree ?

by  |  earlier

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Q: What's the difference between a hillbilly wedding and a hillbilly funeral?

A: There's one less drunk at the funeral.

Q: How do you get a hillbilly out of a bathtub?

A: Throw in a bar of soap.

Q: How do you tell the bride at a hillbilly wedding?

A: She's wearing the cleanest shirt.

Q: How do you circumcize a hillbilly?

A: Kick his sister in the chin.

A reporter asked this hillbilly what he thought about the presidents civil rights bill.

He answered: "If he owes it, I reckon he should pay it."

You know how to make hillbilly chicken soap?

You start by stealing a couple of chickens




  1. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Not bad thou mate.!!!


  2. i agree with you entirely.they are not great :)

  3. Agree. Not funny!

  4. Not that great.

  5. The First one is allright, rest arnt too funny

  6. No not at all funny

  7. A hillbilly couple walking out of the divorce court, the wife is crying her heart out.

    Husband says " Oh for f*ck's sake stop crying, your still my sister"

  8. Average but I've heard far worse....

  9. They're old hat, i've heard them before. They're okay!

  10. They are okay. The best was the how do you circumcize a hillbilly. It made me think for a second.

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