
Ok are u ready for 4 yr old step son did the unthinkable?

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he exposed his p***s in public. Why would he do this. Its not normal the boy has issues and we need to fix them. why is he doing this. This is not the first time. I think he is a lil slow. His father says its cool he's just showing off the family jewels. He said he used to walk around with his di(k out too. What can i do




  1. my son is 4 and he does that...he's just being a if you have a problem with it..then just let him know that he should not let others see his "jewel" a way that a 4 year old would understand ...

  2. OMG you say unthinkab;e like he set the house on fire.

    Whipping it out at the age iof 4 is normal.  

    Just explain to him about private parts.

  3. and where did he get this idea from?

  4. Lots of little boys whip it out! LOL  We had a neighbour kid who was forever walking around with no pants on - even in winter, he'd have his gumboots, beanie, scarf, wooly jumper but no pants.  He was 3 years old.

    I think that his father should definitely be telling him that it's not appropriate though.  I don't think a 4 year old really understands why you shouldn't do it.  The father doesn't really sound like he's all that concerned, so maybe you should ask him how he'd feel if a paedophile was watching when his son flashed it around.  I bet that gets his attention!

    Also, if you make a huge deal of it then he's going to start doing it for attention.

    My little boy is only 7 months old, so I have all this to deal with soon!

  5. Well sounds like step son is doing what he thinks is acceptable.  Dad doesn't seem pressed--therefore son just continues with his display. If it was never taught to be inappropriate behavior---ofcourse he's going to do exactly what dad said he's doing---showing off his family jewels.  Have a parent discussion openly of how was he disciplined in past for the inappropriate behavior. Talk about how you both feel will help your son learn not to do this.

  6. It's NOT the unthinkable!  He's only 4, and body curiosity is raging!  :)  Plus he really doesn't understand cultural norms about public nudity, so cut him some slack.  You don't want to be the evil stepmother right???  lol

    I agree you need to do stop it though, since he is getting older.  Anyway, gently sit him down and tell him that it's okay to be naked, but not in front of strangers, only at home or in the shower.

  7. Its normal for boys to do this but both parents need to say no you cant do that and not say "its cool"! He will soon grow out of the stage!

  8. Oh man this is normal, he's still a baby! its all part of expressing himself. He doesn't understand that its 'wrong' and believe me not everyone will think it is at his age! does he attend school yet? if not he probably will give it up when he gets there! if the other kids don't do it or they laugh at him. Don't be harsh on him explain that as he's older and a big boy the place for his p***s is in his pants. Think yourself lucky hes not repressed. I have a five year old who's going through the you cant see me getting dressed/undressed phase. This takes time to deal with, and bath times are a nightmare hes taken to covering himself with a flannel!

    If he continues when at school and he doesn't desist after teacher intervention they might sucggest a child psyhcologist...but try to let him resolve it by growing up a bit first.

    Good luck, and don't panick many parents have kids/step kids that do embarrasing day you'll be embarassing him back

  9. Clearly you have no or little experience with kids. This is not unusual at all. At aged 4, children don't see the p***s as a shameful thing but only as an interesting part of their body.

    I know of kids were run around completely naked.

    Shame doesn't develop until they are 5-6 years old.

    So don't worry! There's nothing wrong with him. Just explain to him that he shouldn't do that because not everyone wants to see a 'pee pee', and that needs to be done in private.

  10. i think it's normal for a boy. he's a little boy. tell him to stop or tell him it's innapropriate.

  11. My first thought is that 4 year old children do not underand that things like that are socially unacceptable.  Sounds like his father is not the mature influence he needs to learn this either.

    Explain to him that while there is nothing wrong with his p***s that it not acceptable to flash it about in public and describe to him the favorite toy he will lose should he feel the need to flash it again.  If he does, make sure you go through with the punishment.

    Most of all try to instill in him the fact that we are responsible for taking care of our bodies and not making them an amusement park.

    My second thought is that perhapos he is doing what he knows is unacceptable to gain attention.  If this is the case go out of your way to find things to give him positive attention for.  This way he will learn that doing good things gets him more attention than doing bad and he will seek to do good things instead.

  12. Its normal, hes going through a phase let him out grow it. theres really nothing you can do, if you try to force it , it will get worse. Just keep reminding him that its not nice to do things like that. and if you have to BRIVE him lol or tell him if he keeps showing it the monsters gonna come take it away... lol it works... my nephew stopped doing that after telling him that!

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